Dr. Zahilia Caban Huertas (✝)

27. Juni 2023

Dr. Zahilia Caban Huertas ( 22.06.2023, Ulm)

Dear all,

We find ourselves in the midst of grief about the unexpected passing of Zahilia, a valuable researcher, our colleague and friend.

Zahilia has been with us since April 2022 as postdoctoral researcher, supported by an MSCA Fellowship to investigate solid-state batteries. Since then she has become an essential member of our HIU family.

We will all deeply miss her and keep her in honorable memory. Zahilia and her family are in our thoughts and prayers. Together as HIU, we are wishing her family and friends all the strength and comfort to get through this time of sorrow. We have expressed our sincerest condolences to her sister and family on behalf of all colleagues at HIU, and would like to warmly thank all colleagues who are supporting her family these days.


We are in deep mourning and hope that our sympathy may give her family some comfort – at least a little.

On behalf of all HIU colleagues,
Dominic Bresser
Heribert Wilhelm
Maximilian Fichtner

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