ENTISE project: Sodium-ion batteries for Europe

October 10th, 2024

In the ENTISE research project, KIT/HIU supports industry in entering the sodium-ion era

Sodium-ion batteries are considered a more sustainable alternative to lithium-based storage. Sodium is not only inexpensive and abundant, but is also easy to recycle. The challenge, however, is to convert the new technology into industrially usable and scalable cells.

This is where the “ENTISE” project (Development of Sodium-Ion Technology for Industrially Scalable Energy Storage) comes in, in which companies and universities work together towards the goal of European production of sodium-ion batteries. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is involved with the Helmholtz Institute Ulm, among others, and the German battery manufacturer VARTA acts as initiator and coordinator.

First round cells to prove themselves in electric cars

“So far, sodium-ion storage has not yet arrived in the European battery industry,” says Maximilian Fichtner from the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) of KIT and Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm, a research facility operated jointly by KIT, the University of Ulm and other partners, where research is also being carried out for ENTISE. “On the one hand, this is because the material concepts are not yet fully developed. We have therefore decided to further optimize the storage capacity and cycle stability. On the other hand, we want to produce enough material to manufacture resilient laboratory samples and even prototypes in round cell design in order to prepare for industrial production.”

Using a small series of round cells, the researchers then want to demonstrate the practical suitability of the future battery in electric vehicles and stationary storage systems under realistic conditions.

The consortium consists of 13 companies and universities and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with around 7.5 million euros.

(KIT mhe, 10.10.2024)

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