Ulm Conference on Sodium-Ion Batteries (ICNaB)

From December 5th to 8th the 7th ICNaB Conference – the “International Conference on Sodium Batteries” took place in Ulm. The organizers, the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) welcomed over 200 researchers and numerous representatives from science, industry and politics.

The program consisted of 41 lectures, the presentation of scientific posters and awards for them. The organizer duo, consisting of Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Multiens (ZSW) and Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini (HIU), sounded optimistic: “The ICNaB conference showed the many different aspects of sodium batteries that are being investigated and developed to make them cheaper, technologically mature and, especially, sustainable, as well as it underlined the clear interest of industries world-wide in their production as energy storage devices complementary to lithium-ion batteries”, Passerini said.

Sodium-ion batteries are the focus of Passerini’s research group. These cells consist of materials that are described as available, uncritical, particularly inexpensive, powerful and at the same time durable. Therefore, these batteries are also considered sustainable. Passerini expects sodium battery production to ramp up as early as next year.

The ICNaB conference in Ulm also dealt with the development of sodium batteries from the laboratory to mass production. This transition from research to industrial production brings with it many challenges for both universities and companies: from material development, procurement, locations to plant construction and personnel issues. In addition, the conference addressed necessary infrastructure investments as well as sustainable production and recycling.

In addition, the conference also addressed the necessary infrastructure investments and the need for sustainable production and recycling. A scientific poster session gave participants, especially young scientists, a platform for discussion. The POLiS cluster of excellence, the University of Ulm, as well as the HIU and the ZSW were particularly involved.

Best Poster Awards
1st Prize (EERA JP Energy Storage: 300 EUR)
Winner: Emily Foley, UC Santa Barbara (USA)
Poster Title: “Investigating Polymorphism and Synthesis in Na2Fe2F7 and its Effect on Electrochemical Properties”
2nd Prize (EERA JP Energy Storage: 200 EUR)
Winner: Alexander Martin Kempf, TU Darmstadt (DE)
Poster Title: “Unlocking high-rate performance in C/Sn-composites by employing an ultra-fast heating process”
3rd Prize (“ChemSusChem” book voucher at “Wiley”: 200 EUR)
Winner: Till Ortmann, Justus Liebig University Giessen (DE) (POLIS)
Poster Title: “Growth Behaviour of Sodium Metal at NaSICON-Type Solid Electrolyte for Reservoir-free Sodium Solid State Batteries”
4th Prize (“Batteries&Supercaps” book voucher at “Wiley”: 100 EUR)
Winner: Silvia Porporato, Polytechnic of Turin (IT)
Poster Title: “An electrochemical investigation of electrode materials coupled with ionic liquid-based electrolytes for Na-ion batteries”
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