Statement by the Director Professor Maximilian Fichtner
As an international research institute we stand for an open, solidary and peaceful together. We condemn all forms of intolerance, xenophobia, racism and antisemitism. And we oppose all kinds of hate and violence.
At the Helmholtz Institute Ulm a team of scientists from around the world is researching. One third of the researchers are coming from other countries, many of them from non-EU countries. Also numerous visiting professors from different countries doing research and teach at our institute. Diversity of opinion and the international exchanges are the basis of our research and teaching activities. Our recent research success would not have been possible without this plurality. For us there are no differences in our employees and our guests from around the world – no matter what nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion or social class they belong to.
Link to the German Rectors’ Conference webpage „Weltoffene Hochschulen – Gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit“: