Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials


The research group "Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials" focuses on the development and research of alternative electrode materials and electrolyte systems for lithium-based batteries and related energy storage technologies. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms and processes that enable and determine the reversible storage of charge carriers and their efficient transport.

The development of new, sustainable and improved active and inactive materials for lithium-based and Li-free battery systems is essential for a successful energy transition. The diversification of the usable energy storage technologies and their optimization for selected applications is seen as a decisive factor. Examples of the work of the group are the research of alternative active materials for the negative electrode based on a combination of alloy and conversion reactions, the targeted introduction of redox-active elements in insertion materials, as well as polymer-based electrolyte systems and organic battery technologies. The goal of better understanding the processes and reactions taking place also always serves the parallel goal of improving and advancing the performance of the materials and electrochemical energy storage as a whole. To this end, the group can fall back on extensive know-how in the synthesis and characterization of energy storage materials and systems and also cooperates with a large number of groups with complementary competencies in Germany, Europe and worldwide.


Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Hagyeong Baek PhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: hagyeong.baek(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Markus BinderPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34103Mail: markus.binder2(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Adele BirrozziScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34115Mail: adele.birrozzi(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Timo BöhlerMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34136Mail: timo.boehler(at)uni-ulm.de
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Prof. Dr. Dominic BresserPrincipal Investigator (PI)Tel: +49 (0731) 50 34101Mail: dominic.bresser(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Julio César Espinosa-AngelesScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34134Mail: julio.espinosa-angeles(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Hyeongseon ChoiMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: hyeongseon.choi(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Ran DongPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34121Mail: ran.dong(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Xu DongPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34123Mail: xu.dong(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Katrin GengPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34138Mail: katrin.geng(at)uni-ulm.de
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Leo GräberScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34104Mail: leo.graeber(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Yixuan GuoMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34138Mail: yixuan.guo(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Alessandro InnocentiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34111Mail: alessandro.innocenti(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Medina JasarevicPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: medina.jasarevic(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Unho JungPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: unho.jung(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Anja LenzerPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34027Mail: anja.lenzer(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Dongkyu LeePhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34027Mail: dongkyu.lee(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Ziyuan LyuPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: ziyuan.lyu(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Yunjie LiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: yunjie.li(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Qi LiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: qi.li(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Xu LiuPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34132Mail: xu.liu(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Mariam PogosovaPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34118Mail: mariam.pogosova(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Nikhil SchmelzlePhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34108Mail: nikhil.schmelzle(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Annika SchürPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34123Mail: annika.schuer(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials

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Insertion and Intercalation Materials

The vast majority of commercial lithium batteries is based on the use of insertion-type or intercalation-type electrode materials. Such materials can reversibly host the charge carrier cations without substantial changes (or the degradation) of the crystal structure. Increasing the reversibility of this process and enhancing the stability of the interface with the electrolyte, especially at very low and very high voltages, is of essential importance to further improve the performance of such materials. In addition to the development of a better understanding and the modification and optimization these compounds (including the realization of fine-tuned electrolyte compositions), we are working on a new insertion-type mechanism, for which we are introducing highly redox-active elements into such structurally stable frameworks in order to boost the achievable capacity by reversibly hosting substantially more charge carrier cations.


Conversion, Alloying and Conversion/Alloying Materials

Targeting higher specific capacities and (potentially) higher energy and power densities, we are also studying alternative charge carrier storage mechanisms, including conversion-type and alloying-type materials as well as materials that combine these two mechanisms in one single compound – so-called conversion/alloying materials. While (understoichiometric) silicon (oxide), for instance, has already reached the commercial stage – despite the extensive volume variation upon cycling, conversion materials are still at the research & development level. Of particular importance in this field is the identification of the origin of the extensive voltage hysteresis between the charge and discharge process, which is intrinsically limiting the eventual energy efficiency of the corresponding full-cells. One approach to overcome the related challenges is the transition to conversion/alloying materials with the goal to synergistically combine the two mechanisms and their rather complementary benefits, including the development of completely new materials based on an enhanced comprehension of the reaction mechanism and the impact of the different elements comprised.


Lithium-Metal Electrodes and “Anode-free” Concepts

Lithium-metal electrodes and so-called “anode-free” concepts, which are eventually also resulting in lithium-metal electrodes upon charge when the lithium from the positive electrode is plated at the negative electrode, are the “holy grail” of lithium battery research, as they promise the highest energy density possible in combination with suitable cathode active materials. Our group is studying the impact factors that are determining the homogeneity and reversibility of the lithium deposition, with the objective to realize highly efficient lithium plating and stripping by stabilizing the interface between the electrode and the liquid or solid electrolyte.


Organic Active Materials

The replacement of inorganic active materials by more sustainable organic materials has attracted a continuously increasing attention in recent years due to the great progress that has been achieved in this field. In addition to the development of new organic active materials and completely metal-free organic (solid-state) battery cells, a major focus of our work is dedicated to the development of an in-depth understanding of the electrochemical charge storage and charge transport processes occurring in such materials – at the molecular, particle, electrode and cell level – in combination with the design of advanced electrode architectures.d cost efficiency. This work is accompanied by the investigation of advanced hierarchical secondary particle architectures and the implementation of nanostructured, electronically conductive matrices to ensure long-term cycling stability and high rate capability. Eventually, the overall target is the realization of demonstrator full-cells, comprising “next generation” electrolyte systems and cathode active materials.


Electrode Composites and Inactive Materials

Most state-of-the-art (rechargeable) battery electrodes are composed of the active material and additional (inactive) components such as a conductive carbon additive and a polymer binder as well as a (metallic) current collector. In fact, essential improvement of the energy and power density of commercial battery cells has been achieved by improving the electrode composition and the electrode manufacturing process. We are specifically investigating the potential use of environmentally friendly processes and the potential use of bio-derived inactive components, especially for lithium-ion cathode materials, for which this is particularly challenging.


Polymer and Hybrid Electrolytes

Solid-state electrolytes such as polymers are considered key for the use of metallic anodes such as lithium, potentially hindering dendritic metal deposition. Additionally, they may enable an enhanced safety as well as good processability and adhesion to the metal electrode surface. Polyether-based electrolytes are, as a matter of fact, commercial already, but the operation of such lithium-metal-polymer batteries is limited to elevated temperatures around the melting point of the polymer. Moreover, the rather low stability towards oxidation commonly does not allow for the use of high-energy cathode materials operating at potentials beyond 4 V. Besides a further understanding of the charge transport mechanism in these electrolyte systems and the processes taking place at the interface with the metallic anode, our work is particularly focused on single-ion conducting polymer-based electrolytes, which enable the use at ambient temperatures and the combination with state-of-the-art lithium-ion cathode materials (e.g. NMC811), including the realization and in-depth understanding of alternative or modified charge transport mechanisms.


As science ideally does not know any barriers, we are collaborating with several international research groups, each of them having great expertise in their field, and we will be more than grateful to further extend these collaborative activities in future.

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HighSafe II (2020-2023)

HighSafe II is a collaborative research project, including several academic partners from Taiwan and Germany, funded by the MOST and the BMBF, respectively. The overall goal is the development of safer and more sustainable high-energy lithium batteries. The role of the HIU is specifically dedicated to alternative anode concepts and safer electrolytes for such batteries.



– Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
– Technische Universität München (TUM)
– National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan
– National University of Tainan (NUTN), Taiwan
– National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan
– National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan


SACCESS (2020-2023)

SACCESS is a collaborative research project on organic batteries, funded by the DFG within the SPP 2248. The main goal is to investigate and develop polymer-type active materials based on squaric acid amides and cyclopropenium cations. The role of our group is the realization of suitable electrode architectures and cell designs for an advanced electrochemical performance.



– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
– TU Dortmund University

Further information



ExcellBattUlm (2019-2022)

The ExcellBattUlm project is part of the BMBF-funded competence cluster ExcellBattMat. The major target is the investigation and development of high-performance and sustainable battery materials for future generation lithium and lithium-ion batteries. The work at the HIU is particularly focusing on the development of alternative anode materials, optimized electrolyte systems, and environmentally friendly electrode processing strategies.



– Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
– Ulm University
– German Aerospace Center (DLR)


MOLIBE (2019-2023)

Within the collaborative MOLIBE project, funded by the ANR and the BMBF, partners from France and Germany, including industry and academia, are targeting the development of solid, metal-free rechargeable batteries based on organic active materials, polymer electrolytes and carbonaceous current collectors. Our group is serving as coordinator for this project.



– Daikin Chemical Europe GmbH
– CEA Grenoble, France
– CNRS-LEPMI Grenoble, France
– Bernard Dumas, France
– CANOE R&D, France


LISI (2019-2022)

The LISI project is a collaborative research project of American and German academic partners, funded by the DOE and the BMBF, with the objective to identify reliable and experimentally accessible descriptors determining the charge transfer through polymer-based electrolytes towards a lithium-metal electrode and the subsequent deposition. The work at the HIU is focusing the in-depth understanding of the processes occurring for polyether-type reference electrolytes and single-ion conductors, including the impact of the charge transfer mechanism.



– Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)
– Justus-Liebig University Gießen (JLU)
– Technical University Munich (TUM)
– Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA
– Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
– Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA
– Stanford University, USA
– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
– Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA


LILLINT (2019-2022)

The LILLINT project is a collaborative research project of American and German academic partners, funded by the DOE and the BMBF, with the objective to better understand and increase the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the interface between lithium-metal electrodes and liquid electrolytes. The work at the HIU is mainly oriented towards the investigation of the interface with liquid electrolytes based on ionic liquids in comparison to common liquid organic electrolytes.



– German Aerospace Center (DLR)
– Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)
– TU Braunschweig
– WWU Münster
– Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA
– Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA
– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
– Texas A&M University, USA
– Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA


FestBatt (2018-2021)

The interdisciplinary FestBatt competence cluster, funded by the BMBF, targets the production, scale-up, and processing of suitable solid electrolytes for future batteries. The work at the HIU is focused on the development and investigation of polymer-based electrolytes with advanced ionic conductivity and electrochemical stability, enabling the realization of high-energy and high-performance lithium-metal batteries.


Partners (within the Polymer Platform)

– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)


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OFELIA (2018-2019)

Within OFELIA, funded by the DBU, our group and our partner are targeting the development of a conductivity cell for solid-state electrolytes with an online thickness determination.


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– rhd instruments GmbH & Co. KG


NEW E2 (2017-2020)

The NEW E2 project, funded by the Vector Foundation, is dedicated to the development of alternative anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, based on new charge storage mechanisms such as the combination of conversion and alloying.

Bischof Katharina, Marangon Vittorio, Kasper Michael, Aracil Regalado Aislim, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Hölzle Markus, Bresser Dominic, Waldmann Thomas
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Binder Markus, Keller Eva, Bresser Dominic
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Innocenti Alessandro, Bresser Dominic, Garche Jürgen, Passerini Stefano
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Asenbauer Jakob, Horny Dominik, Olutogun Mayokun, Schulz Katrin, Bresser Dominic
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Marangon Vittorio, Barcaro Edoardo, De Boni Francesco, Prato Mirko, Bresser Dominic, Hassoun Jusef
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Trivedi Shivam, Pamidi Venkat, Pinto Bautista Sebastian, Shamsudin Farra Nur Aliah, Weil Marcel, Barpanda Prabeer, Bresser Dominic, Fichtner Maximilian
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Xue Xilai, Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Lepore Giovanni Orazio, d’Acapito Francesco, Xing Silin, Tübke Jens, Mullaliu Angelo, Li Yueliang, Geiger Dorin, Biskupek Johannes, Kaiser Ute, Steinle Dominik, Birrozzi Adele, Bresser Dominic
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Olutogun Mayokun, Vanderbruggen Anna, Frey Christoph, Rudolph Martin, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Klein Michel, Binder Markus, Koželj Matjaž, Pierini Adriano, Gouveia Tom, Diemant Thomas, Schür Annika, Brutti Sergio, Bodo Enrico, Bresser Dominic, Gómez-Urbano Juan Luis, Balducci Andrea
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Müller Philipp, Szczuka Conrad, Tsai Chih-Long, Schöner Sandro, Windmüller Anna, Yu Shicheng, Steinle Dominik, Tempel Hermann, Bresser Dominic, Kungl Hans, Eichel Rüdiger-A.
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Patra Jagabandhu, Lu Shi-Xian, Kao Jui-Cheng, Yu Bing-Ruei, Chen Yu-Ting, Su Yu-Sheng, Wu Tzi-Yi, Bresser Dominic, Hsieh Chien-Te, Lo Yu-Chieh, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Baumert Marcel E., Le Victoria, Su Po-Hua, Akae Yosuke, Bresser Dominic, Théato Patrick, Hansmann Max M.
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Ademmer Marten, Su Po-Hua, Dodell Lukas, Asenbauer Jakob, Osenberg Markus, Hilger André, Chang Jeng-Kuei, Manke Ingo, Neumann Matthias, Schmidt Volker, Bresser Dominic
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Ganesan Priya, Soans Mervyn, Cambaz Musa Ali, Zimmermanns Ramon, Gond Ritambhara, Fuchs Stefan, Hu Yang, Baumgart Sebastian, Sotoudeh Mohsen, Stepien Dominik, Stein Helge, Groß Axel, Bresser Dominic, Varzi Alberto, Fichtner Maximilian
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Chen Zhen, Liang Hai-Peng, Lyu Ziyuan, Paul Neelima, Ceccio Giovanni, Gilles Ralph, Zarrabeitia Maider, Innocenti Alessandro, Jasarevic Medina, Kim Guk-Tae T., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Stępień Dominik, Wolff Beatrice, Diemant Thomas, Kim Guk-Tae, Hausen Florian, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kim Yongil, Stepien Dominik, Moon Hyein, Schönherr Kay, Schumm Benjamin, Kuenzel Matthias, Althues Holger, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Dong Xu, Chen Zhen, Gao Xinpei, Mayer Alexander, Liang Hai-Peng, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Mariani Alessandro, Dong Xu, Vansse Grégoire, Theato Patrick, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Yusim Yuriy, Trevisanello E., Trevisanello Enrico, Ruess Raffael, Richter Felix H., Mayer Alexander, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Janek Jürgen, Henss Anja
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Dong Xu, Mayer Alexander, Liu Xu, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Zuo Wenhua, Innocenti Alessandro, Zarrabeitia Maider, Bresser Dominic, Yang Yong, Passerini Stefano
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Shin Yuyoung, Stepien Dominik, Hepp Marco, Butz Benjamin, Bresser Dominic, Fleischmann Simon
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Wu Fanglin, Fang Shan, Kuenzel Matthias, Diemant Thomas, Kim Jae-Kwang, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano
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Lin Chun-Cheng, Chen Zhen, Euchner Holger, Eisenmann Tobias, Geng Katrin, Diemant Thomas, Fang Shan, Yen C.-H., Yen Chih-Han, Passerini Stefano, Hu Chi-Chang, Bresser Dominic
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Wu Fanglin, Mullaliu Angelo, Diemant Thomas, Stepien Dominik, Parac-Vogt Tatjana N., Kim Jae-Kwang, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano
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Dong Xu, Liu Xu, Li Huihua, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Lenzer Anja, Birrozzi Adele, Wirsching Anna-Lena, Li Yueliang, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Asenbauer Jakob, Bresser Dominic
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Yusim Yuriy, Hunstock Dirk F., Mayer Alexander, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Janek Jürgen, Henss Anja
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Kim Guk-Tae, Antonelli Claire, Iojoiu Cristina, Löffler Marlou, Bresser Dominic, Molméret Yannick, Sanchez Jean-Yves, Passerini Stefano
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Pinto Bautista Sebastián, Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Asenbauer Jakob, Shi Kai, Jestin Simon
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Xue Xilai, Asenbauer Jakob, Bresser Dominic
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Yen Chih-Han, Neale Alex R., Lim Jungwoo, Bresser Dominic, Hardwick Laurence J., Hu Chi-Chang
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Xu Yun, Mullaliu Angelo, Lin Shawn D., Ma Yanjiao, Asenbauer Jakob, Zarrabeitia Maider, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Xu Yun, Fang Shan, Zarrabeitia Maider, Kuenzel Matthias, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Mariani Alessandro, Diemant Thomas, Lyonnard Sandrine, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Liang Hai-Peng, Bresser Dominic
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Ali Shehab E., Olszewski Wojciech, Marini Carlo, Kazzazi Arefeh, Choi Hyeongseon, Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Tonti Dino, Simonelli Laura
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Rath Purna Chandra, Liu Ming-Song, Lo Shih-Ting, Dhaka Rajendra S., Bresser Dominic, Yang Chun-Chen, Lee Sheng-Wei, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Steinle Dominik, Chen Zhen, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Kuenzel Matthias, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Umesh B., Rath P. C., Patra J., Hernandha R. F. H., Majumder S. B., Gao Xinpei, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Lai H.-Z., Chang T.-L., Chang J.-K.
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Mayer Alexander, Steinle Dominik, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Takeiri F., Watanabe A., Okamoto K., Bresser D., Lyonnard S., Frick B., Ali A., Imai Y., Nishikawa M., Yonemura M., Saito T., Ikeda K., Otomo T., Kamiyama T., Kanno R., Kobayashi G.
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Liang Hai-Peng, Chen Zhen, Dong Xu, Zinkevich Tatiana, Indris Sylvio, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Schuer A. R., Kuenzel M., Yang S., Kosfeld M., Mueller F., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Liang Hai-Peng, Zarrabeitia Maider, Chen Zhen, Jovanovic S., Merz S., Granwehr J., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Birrozzi Adele, Mullaliu Angelo, Eisenmann Tobias, Asenbauer Jakob, Diemant Thomas, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Oliveira de Souza Danilo, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Darr Jawwad A., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Wirsching Anna-Lena, Lang Marcel, Indris Sylvio, Eisenmann Tobias, Mullaliu Angelo, Birrozzi Adele, Hoefling Alexander, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Schuster Rolf, Bresser Dominic
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Birrozzi Adele, Bautista Sebastián Pinto, Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Starkey Chris, Darr Jawwad A., Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Kim Guk-Tae, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Ates Tugce, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Dong Xu, Liu Xu, Han Jin, Chen Zhen, Zhang Huang, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Geng Katrin, Eisenmann Tobias, Parmar Rahul, Rezvani Javad, Gunnella Roberto, Amati Matteo, Gregoratti Luca, Stepien Dominik, Diemant Thomas, Bresser Dominic
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Xu Yun, Diemant Thomas, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Horstmann Birger, Shi Jiayan, Amine Rachid, Werres Martin, He Xin, Jia Hao, Hausen Florian, Cekic-Laskovic Isidora, Wiemers-Meyer Simon, Lopez Jeffrey, Galvez-Aranda Diego, Baakes Florian, Bresser Dominic, Su Chi-Cheung, Xu Yaobin, Xu Wu, Jakes Peter, Eichel Rüdiger-A., Figgemeier Egbert, Krewer Ulrike, Seminario Jorge M., Balbuena Perla B., Wang Chongmin, Passerini Stefano, Shao-Horn Yang, Winter Martin, Amine Khalil, Kostecki Robert, Latz Arnulf
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Chen Zhen, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Zarrabeitia Maider, Liang Hai-Peng, Geiger Dorin, Kim Jae-Kwang, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Iojoiu Cristina, Bresser Dominic
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Montanino Maria, Sico Giuliano, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Asenbauer Jakob, Binder Joachim R., Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Asenbauer Jakob, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Eisenmann Tobias, Birrozzi Adele, Mullaliu Angelo, Giuli Gabriele, Trapananti Angela, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Li Chi, Rath Purna Chandra, Lu Shi-Xian, Patra Jagabandhu, Su Ching-Yuan, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Birrozzi Adele, Belchi Raphaelle, Bouclé Johann, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Herlin-Boime Nathalie, Bresser Dominic
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Ma Y., Ma Y., Euchner H., Liu X., Zhang H., Qin B., Geiger D., Biskupek J., Carlsson A., Kaiser U., Groß A., Indris S., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Eisenmann Tobias, Asenbauer Jakob, Rezvani Seyed Javad, Diemant Thomas, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Bautista Sebastián Pinto
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Eisenmann T., Birrozzi A., Mullaliu A., Asenbauer J., Giuli G., Trapananti A., Olivi L., Moon H., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Puspitasari Diah A., Patra Jagabandhu, Hung I-Ming, Bresser Dominic, Lee Tai-Chou, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Kazzazi Arefeh, Bresser Dominic, Kuenzel Matthias, Hekmatfar Maral, Schnaidt Johannes, Jusys Zenonas, Diemant Thomas, Behm R. Jürgen, Copley Mark, Maranski Krzystof, Cookson James, Meatza Iratxe de, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Bautista Sebastián Pinto
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He X., Bresser D., Passerini S., Baakes F., Krewer U., Lopez J., Mallia C. T., Shao-Horn Y., Cekic-Laskovic I., Wiemers-Meyer S., Soto F. A., Ponce V., Seminario J. M., Balbuena P. B., Jia H., Xu W., Xu Y., Wang C., Horstmann B., Amine R., Su C.-C., Shi J., Amine K., Winter M., Latz A., Kostecki R.
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Trapananti Angela, Eisenmann Tobias, Giuli Gabriele, Mueller Franziska, Moretti Arianna, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Chen Zhen, Steinle Dominik, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Kim Jae-Kwang, Mayer Alexander, Shi Junli, Paillard Elie, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Kuenzel Matthias, Kazzazi Arefeh, Chen Zhen, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Ciambezi M., Trapananti A., Rezvani S. J., Maroni F., Bresser D., Minicucci M., Nobili F., Gunnella R., Passerini S., Di Cicco A.
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Asenbauer Jakob, Kuenzel Matthias, Eisenmann Tobias, Birrozzi Adele, Chang Jeng-Kuei, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer J., Binder J. R., Mueller F., Kuenzel M., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Ma Yanjiao, Ma Yuan, Giuli Gabriele, Euchner Holger, Groß Axel, Lepore Giovanni Orazio, d'Acapito Francesco, Geiger Dorin, Biskupek Johannes, Kaiser Ute, Schütz Hanno M., Carlsson Anna, Diemant Thomas, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Kuenzel Matthias, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Sutarsis, Patra J., Su C.-Y., Li J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Chang J.-K.
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Kim Yongil, Jung Jaeho, Yu Hyein, Kim Guk-Tae, Jeong Dasong, Bresser Dominic, Kang Seok Ju, Kim Youngsik, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Choi Hyeognseon, Wu Fanglin, Kazzazi Arefeh, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Chen R., Bresser D., Saraf M., Gerlach P., Balducci A., Kunz S., Schröder D., Passerini S., Chen J.
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Birrozzi Adele, Asenbauer Jakob, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Darr Jawwad A., Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Hoefling Alexander, Indris Sylvio, Tübke Jens, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Kuenzel Matthias, Porhiel Regis, Bresser Dominic, Asenbauer Jakob, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Armand M., Axmann P., Bresser Dominic, Copley M., Edström K., Ekberg C., Guyomard D., Lestriez B., Novák P., Petranikova M., Porcher W., Trabesinger S., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Zhang H.
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Kuenzel M., Kim G.-T., Zarrabeitia M., Lin S. D., Schuer A. R., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Nematdoust S., Najjar R., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Marinaro M., Bresser D., Beyer E., Faguy P., Hosoi K., Li H., Sakovica J., Amine K., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Passerini S.
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Fang Shan, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Rezvani S. J., Mijiti Y., Gunnella R., Nobili F., Trapananti A., Minicucci M., Ciambezi M., Bresser D., Nannarone S., Passerini S., Di Cicco A.
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Nematdoust Samira, Najjar R., Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Bresser Dominic, Leclere Mélody, Bernard Laurent, Rannou Patrice, Mendil-Jakani Hakima, Kim Guk-Tae, Zinkevich Tatiana, Indris Sylvio, Gebel Gérard, Lyonnard Sandrine, Picard Lionel
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Wang Zeli, Bresser Dominic, Qin Bingsheng, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Wang Xuesen, Shen Ze Xiang, Passerini Stefano
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Fang Shan, Shen Laifa, Li Shaopeng, Kim Guk-Tae, Bresser Dominic, Zhang Haiqian, Zhang Xiaogang, Maier Joachim, Passerini Stefano
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Rath Purna Chandra, Patra Jagabandhu, Huang Hao-Tzu, Bresser Dominic, Wu Tzi-Yi, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Wu C.-J., Rath P. C., Patra J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Umesh B., Dong Q.-F., Lee T.-C., Chang J.-K.
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Keller M., Eisenmann T., Meira D., Aquilanti G., Buchholz D., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Dou X., Ding M. S., Kim G.-T., Gao X., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Bresser Dominic, Lyonnard S., Iojoiu C., Picard L., Passerini Stefano
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Nair J. R., Colò F., Kazzazi A., Moreno M., Bresser D., Lin R., Bella F., Meligrana G., Fantini S., Simonetti E., Appetecchi G. B., Passerini S., Gerbaldi C.
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He Xin, Yan Bo, Zhang Xin, Liu Zigeng, Bresser Dominic, Wang Jun, Wang Rui, Cao Xia, Su Yixi, Jia Hao, Grey Clare P., Frielinghaus Henrich, Truhlar Donald G., Winter Martin, Li Jie, Paillard Elie
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Guang Yang, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Huang Yizhong, Copley Mark, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Passerini Stefano, Shen Zexiang
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Asenbauer Jakob, Jeong Sangsik, Copley Mark, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Lin Jianyi, Shen Zexiang, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yuan, Ma Yanjiao, Bresser Dominic, Ji Yuanchun, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Streb Carsten, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yanjiao, Ma Yuan, Ulissi Ulderico, Ji Yuanchun, Streb Carsten, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kazzazi Arefeh, Bresser Dominic, Birrozzi Agnese, Zamory Jan von, Hekmatfar Maral, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Carvalho Diogo Vieira, Kim Guk-Tae, Behm R. Jürgen, Passerini Stefano
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Vicente Nuria, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Garcia-Belmonte Germà
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Ma Y., Ma Y., Giuli G., Diemant T., Behm R. J., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Ulissi U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Nguyen H.-D., Kim G.-T., Shi J., Paillard E., Judeinstein P., Lyonnard S., Bresser D., Iojoiu C.
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Bresser D., Buchholz D., Moretti A., Varzi A., Passerini S.
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Bresser Dominic, Hosoi Kei, Howell David, Li Hong, Zeisel Herbert, Amine Khalil, Passerini Stefano
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Giuli Gabriele, Eisenmann Tobias, Bresser Dominic, Trapananti Angela, Asenbauer Jakob, Mueller Franziska, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yanjiao, Ulissi Ulderico, Bresser Dominic, Ma Yuan, Ji Yuanchun, Passerini Stefano
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Delhorbe Virginie, Bresser Dominic, Mendil-Jakani Hakima, Rannou Patrice, Bernard Laurent, Gutel Thibaut, Lyonnard Sandrine, Picard Lionel
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Mueller Franziska, Gutsche Alexander, Nirschl Hermann, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Wu L., Moretti A., Buchholz D., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Scrosati Bruno
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Müller F., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Elia G. A., Bresser D., Reiter J., Oberhumer P., Sun Y.-K., Scrosati B., Passerini S., Hassoun J.
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Bresser D., Kim G.-T., Binetti E., Striccoli M., Comparelli R., Seidel S., Ozkaya D., Copley M., Bishop P., Paillard E., Passerini S.
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Bolloli M., Kalhoff J., Alloin F., Bresser D., Phung Le M. L., Langlois B., Passerini S., Sanchez J.-Y.
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Birrozzi Agnese, Copley Mark, Zamory Jan von, Pasqualini Marta, Calcaterra Silvia, Nobili Francesco, Di Cicco Andrea, Rajantie Hanna, Briceno Martha, Bilbé Edward, Cabo-Fernandez Laura, Hardwick Laurence J., Bresser Dominic, Passerinia Stefano
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Wu L., Bresser D., Buchholz D., Passerini S.
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Oschmann B., Tahir M. N., Mueller F., Bresser D., Lieberwirth I., Tremel W., Passerini S., Zentel R.
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Bresser D., Oschmann B., Tahir M. N., Mueller F., Lieberwirth I., Tremel W., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Müller F., Bresser D., Chakravadhanula V. S. K., Passerini S.
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Giuli G., Trapananti A., Müller F., Bresser D., Dacapito F., Passerini S.
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Müller Franziska, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kalhoff J., Eshetu G. G., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Bolloli M., Alloin F., Kalhoff J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Judeinstein P., Lepretre J. C.
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Wu Liming, Bresser Dominic, Buchholz Daniel, Giffin Guinevere A., Ramirez Castro Claudia, Ochel Anders, Passerini Stefano
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Loeffler N., Bresser D., Passerini S., Copley M.
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Varzi A., Bresser D., Zamory J. von, Mueller F., Passerini S.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalkhoff J., Menne S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Elia G. A., Wang J., Bresser D., Li J., Scrosati B., Passerini S., Hassoun J.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalhoff J., Menne S., Krueger S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Varzi A., Bresser D., Zamory J. von, Müller F., Passerini S.
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Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Bresser D., Elia G. A., Hassoun J., Kwak W. J., Lamp P., Müller F., Nürnberge S., Oberhumer P., Paschos O., Passerini S., Reiter J., Scrosati B., Sun Y. K., Tsiouvaras N.
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Bresser D., Müller F., Giuli G., Trapananti A., Passerini S.
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Bresser D., Wu L., Oschmann B., Müller F., Buchholz D., Tahir M. N., Tremel W., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Bresser D., Oschmann B., Paillard E., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Müller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalkhoff S., Menne S., Krüger S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Elia G. A., Hassoun J., Kwak W. J., Sun Y. K., Scrosati B., Müller F., Bresser D., Passerini S., Oberhumer P., Tsiouvaras N., Reiter J.
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Bresser D., Paillard E., Niehoff P., Krueger S., Mueller F., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Martinez-Julian F., Guerrero A., Haro M., Bisquert J., Bresser D., Paillard E., Passerini S., Garcia-Belmonte G.
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Bresser D., Passerini S., Scrosati B.
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Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Hagyeong Baek PhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: hagyeong.baek(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Markus BinderPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34103Mail: markus.binder2(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Adele BirrozziScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34115Mail: adele.birrozzi(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Timo BöhlerMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34136Mail: timo.boehler(at)uni-ulm.de
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Prof. Dr. Dominic BresserPrincipal Investigator (PI)Tel: +49 (0731) 50 34101Mail: dominic.bresser(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Julio César Espinosa-AngelesScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34134Mail: julio.espinosa-angeles(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Hyeongseon ChoiMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: hyeongseon.choi(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Ran DongPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34121Mail: ran.dong(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Xu DongPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34123Mail: xu.dong(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Katrin GengPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34138Mail: katrin.geng(at)uni-ulm.de
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Leo GräberScientistTel: +49 (0731) 50 34104Mail: leo.graeber(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Yixuan GuoMSc StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34138Mail: yixuan.guo(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Alessandro InnocentiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34111Mail: alessandro.innocenti(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Medina JasarevicPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: medina.jasarevic(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Unho JungPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34113Mail: unho.jung(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Anja LenzerPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34027Mail: anja.lenzer(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Dongkyu LeePhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34027Mail: dongkyu.lee(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Ziyuan LyuPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: ziyuan.lyu(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Yunjie LiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: yunjie.li(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Qi LiPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34130Mail: qi.li(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Xu LiuPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34132Mail: xu.liu(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Mariam PogosovaPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34118Mail: mariam.pogosova(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Nikhil SchmelzlePhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34108Mail: nikhil.schmelzle(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Dr. Annika SchürPhD StudentTel: +49 (0731) 50 34123Mail: annika.schuer(at)kit.edu
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials
Research groupElectrochemical Energy Storage Materials

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Insertion and Intercalation Materials

The vast majority of commercial lithium batteries is based on the use of insertion-type or intercalation-type electrode materials. Such materials can reversibly host the charge carrier cations without substantial changes (or the degradation) of the crystal structure. Increasing the reversibility of this process and enhancing the stability of the interface with the electrolyte, especially at very low and very high voltages, is of essential importance to further improve the performance of such materials. In addition to the development of a better understanding and the modification and optimization these compounds (including the realization of fine-tuned electrolyte compositions), we are working on a new insertion-type mechanism, for which we are introducing highly redox-active elements into such structurally stable frameworks in order to boost the achievable capacity by reversibly hosting substantially more charge carrier cations.


Conversion, Alloying and Conversion/Alloying Materials

Targeting higher specific capacities and (potentially) higher energy and power densities, we are also studying alternative charge carrier storage mechanisms, including conversion-type and alloying-type materials as well as materials that combine these two mechanisms in one single compound – so-called conversion/alloying materials. While (understoichiometric) silicon (oxide), for instance, has already reached the commercial stage – despite the extensive volume variation upon cycling, conversion materials are still at the research & development level. Of particular importance in this field is the identification of the origin of the extensive voltage hysteresis between the charge and discharge process, which is intrinsically limiting the eventual energy efficiency of the corresponding full-cells. One approach to overcome the related challenges is the transition to conversion/alloying materials with the goal to synergistically combine the two mechanisms and their rather complementary benefits, including the development of completely new materials based on an enhanced comprehension of the reaction mechanism and the impact of the different elements comprised.


Lithium-Metal Electrodes and “Anode-free” Concepts

Lithium-metal electrodes and so-called “anode-free” concepts, which are eventually also resulting in lithium-metal electrodes upon charge when the lithium from the positive electrode is plated at the negative electrode, are the “holy grail” of lithium battery research, as they promise the highest energy density possible in combination with suitable cathode active materials. Our group is studying the impact factors that are determining the homogeneity and reversibility of the lithium deposition, with the objective to realize highly efficient lithium plating and stripping by stabilizing the interface between the electrode and the liquid or solid electrolyte.


Organic Active Materials

The replacement of inorganic active materials by more sustainable organic materials has attracted a continuously increasing attention in recent years due to the great progress that has been achieved in this field. In addition to the development of new organic active materials and completely metal-free organic (solid-state) battery cells, a major focus of our work is dedicated to the development of an in-depth understanding of the electrochemical charge storage and charge transport processes occurring in such materials – at the molecular, particle, electrode and cell level – in combination with the design of advanced electrode architectures.d cost efficiency. This work is accompanied by the investigation of advanced hierarchical secondary particle architectures and the implementation of nanostructured, electronically conductive matrices to ensure long-term cycling stability and high rate capability. Eventually, the overall target is the realization of demonstrator full-cells, comprising “next generation” electrolyte systems and cathode active materials.


Electrode Composites and Inactive Materials

Most state-of-the-art (rechargeable) battery electrodes are composed of the active material and additional (inactive) components such as a conductive carbon additive and a polymer binder as well as a (metallic) current collector. In fact, essential improvement of the energy and power density of commercial battery cells has been achieved by improving the electrode composition and the electrode manufacturing process. We are specifically investigating the potential use of environmentally friendly processes and the potential use of bio-derived inactive components, especially for lithium-ion cathode materials, for which this is particularly challenging.


Polymer and Hybrid Electrolytes

Solid-state electrolytes such as polymers are considered key for the use of metallic anodes such as lithium, potentially hindering dendritic metal deposition. Additionally, they may enable an enhanced safety as well as good processability and adhesion to the metal electrode surface. Polyether-based electrolytes are, as a matter of fact, commercial already, but the operation of such lithium-metal-polymer batteries is limited to elevated temperatures around the melting point of the polymer. Moreover, the rather low stability towards oxidation commonly does not allow for the use of high-energy cathode materials operating at potentials beyond 4 V. Besides a further understanding of the charge transport mechanism in these electrolyte systems and the processes taking place at the interface with the metallic anode, our work is particularly focused on single-ion conducting polymer-based electrolytes, which enable the use at ambient temperatures and the combination with state-of-the-art lithium-ion cathode materials (e.g. NMC811), including the realization and in-depth understanding of alternative or modified charge transport mechanisms.


As science ideally does not know any barriers, we are collaborating with several international research groups, each of them having great expertise in their field, and we will be more than grateful to further extend these collaborative activities in future.


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HighSafe II (2020-2023)

HighSafe II is a collaborative research project, including several academic partners from Taiwan and Germany, funded by the MOST and the BMBF, respectively. The overall goal is the development of safer and more sustainable high-energy lithium batteries. The role of the HIU is specifically dedicated to alternative anode concepts and safer electrolytes for such batteries.



– Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
– Technische Universität München (TUM)
– National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan
– National University of Tainan (NUTN), Taiwan
– National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan
– National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan


SACCESS (2020-2023)

SACCESS is a collaborative research project on organic batteries, funded by the DFG within the SPP 2248. The main goal is to investigate and develop polymer-type active materials based on squaric acid amides and cyclopropenium cations. The role of our group is the realization of suitable electrode architectures and cell designs for an advanced electrochemical performance.



– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
– TU Dortmund University

Further information



ExcellBattUlm (2019-2022)

The ExcellBattUlm project is part of the BMBF-funded competence cluster ExcellBattMat. The major target is the investigation and development of high-performance and sustainable battery materials for future generation lithium and lithium-ion batteries. The work at the HIU is particularly focusing on the development of alternative anode materials, optimized electrolyte systems, and environmentally friendly electrode processing strategies.



– Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
– Ulm University
– German Aerospace Center (DLR)


MOLIBE (2019-2023)

Within the collaborative MOLIBE project, funded by the ANR and the BMBF, partners from France and Germany, including industry and academia, are targeting the development of solid, metal-free rechargeable batteries based on organic active materials, polymer electrolytes and carbonaceous current collectors. Our group is serving as coordinator for this project.



– Daikin Chemical Europe GmbH
– CEA Grenoble, France
– CNRS-LEPMI Grenoble, France
– Bernard Dumas, France
– CANOE R&D, France


LISI (2019-2022)

The LISI project is a collaborative research project of American and German academic partners, funded by the DOE and the BMBF, with the objective to identify reliable and experimentally accessible descriptors determining the charge transfer through polymer-based electrolytes towards a lithium-metal electrode and the subsequent deposition. The work at the HIU is focusing the in-depth understanding of the processes occurring for polyether-type reference electrolytes and single-ion conductors, including the impact of the charge transfer mechanism.



– Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)
– Justus-Liebig University Gießen (JLU)
– Technical University Munich (TUM)
– Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA
– Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
– Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA
– Stanford University, USA
– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
– Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA


LILLINT (2019-2022)

The LILLINT project is a collaborative research project of American and German academic partners, funded by the DOE and the BMBF, with the objective to better understand and increase the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the interface between lithium-metal electrodes and liquid electrolytes. The work at the HIU is mainly oriented towards the investigation of the interface with liquid electrolytes based on ionic liquids in comparison to common liquid organic electrolytes.



– German Aerospace Center (DLR)
– Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)
– TU Braunschweig
– WWU Münster
– Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA
– Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA
– Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
– Texas A&M University, USA
– Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA


FestBatt (2018-2021)

The interdisciplinary FestBatt competence cluster, funded by the BMBF, targets the production, scale-up, and processing of suitable solid electrolytes for future batteries. The work at the HIU is focused on the development and investigation of polymer-based electrolytes with advanced ionic conductivity and electrochemical stability, enabling the realization of high-energy and high-performance lithium-metal batteries.


Partners (within the Polymer Platform)

– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
– Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS)


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OFELIA (2018-2019)

Within OFELIA, funded by the DBU, our group and our partner are targeting the development of a conductivity cell for solid-state electrolytes with an online thickness determination.


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– rhd instruments GmbH & Co. KG


NEW E2 (2017-2020)

The NEW E2 project, funded by the Vector Foundation, is dedicated to the development of alternative anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, based on new charge storage mechanisms such as the combination of conversion and alloying.

Bischof Katharina, Marangon Vittorio, Kasper Michael, Aracil Regalado Aislim, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Hölzle Markus, Bresser Dominic, Waldmann Thomas
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Binder Markus, Keller Eva, Bresser Dominic
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Innocenti Alessandro, Bresser Dominic, Garche Jürgen, Passerini Stefano
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Asenbauer Jakob, Horny Dominik, Olutogun Mayokun, Schulz Katrin, Bresser Dominic
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Marangon Vittorio, Barcaro Edoardo, De Boni Francesco, Prato Mirko, Bresser Dominic, Hassoun Jusef
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Trivedi Shivam, Pamidi Venkat, Pinto Bautista Sebastian, Shamsudin Farra Nur Aliah, Weil Marcel, Barpanda Prabeer, Bresser Dominic, Fichtner Maximilian
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Xue Xilai, Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Lepore Giovanni Orazio, d’Acapito Francesco, Xing Silin, Tübke Jens, Mullaliu Angelo, Li Yueliang, Geiger Dorin, Biskupek Johannes, Kaiser Ute, Steinle Dominik, Birrozzi Adele, Bresser Dominic
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Olutogun Mayokun, Vanderbruggen Anna, Frey Christoph, Rudolph Martin, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Klein Michel, Binder Markus, Koželj Matjaž, Pierini Adriano, Gouveia Tom, Diemant Thomas, Schür Annika, Brutti Sergio, Bodo Enrico, Bresser Dominic, Gómez-Urbano Juan Luis, Balducci Andrea
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Müller Philipp, Szczuka Conrad, Tsai Chih-Long, Schöner Sandro, Windmüller Anna, Yu Shicheng, Steinle Dominik, Tempel Hermann, Bresser Dominic, Kungl Hans, Eichel Rüdiger-A.
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Patra Jagabandhu, Lu Shi-Xian, Kao Jui-Cheng, Yu Bing-Ruei, Chen Yu-Ting, Su Yu-Sheng, Wu Tzi-Yi, Bresser Dominic, Hsieh Chien-Te, Lo Yu-Chieh, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Baumert Marcel E., Le Victoria, Su Po-Hua, Akae Yosuke, Bresser Dominic, Théato Patrick, Hansmann Max M.
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Ademmer Marten, Su Po-Hua, Dodell Lukas, Asenbauer Jakob, Osenberg Markus, Hilger André, Chang Jeng-Kuei, Manke Ingo, Neumann Matthias, Schmidt Volker, Bresser Dominic
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Ganesan Priya, Soans Mervyn, Cambaz Musa Ali, Zimmermanns Ramon, Gond Ritambhara, Fuchs Stefan, Hu Yang, Baumgart Sebastian, Sotoudeh Mohsen, Stepien Dominik, Stein Helge, Groß Axel, Bresser Dominic, Varzi Alberto, Fichtner Maximilian
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Chen Zhen, Liang Hai-Peng, Lyu Ziyuan, Paul Neelima, Ceccio Giovanni, Gilles Ralph, Zarrabeitia Maider, Innocenti Alessandro, Jasarevic Medina, Kim Guk-Tae T., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Stępień Dominik, Wolff Beatrice, Diemant Thomas, Kim Guk-Tae, Hausen Florian, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kim Yongil, Stepien Dominik, Moon Hyein, Schönherr Kay, Schumm Benjamin, Kuenzel Matthias, Althues Holger, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Dong Xu, Chen Zhen, Gao Xinpei, Mayer Alexander, Liang Hai-Peng, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Mariani Alessandro, Dong Xu, Vansse Grégoire, Theato Patrick, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Yusim Yuriy, Trevisanello E., Trevisanello Enrico, Ruess Raffael, Richter Felix H., Mayer Alexander, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Janek Jürgen, Henss Anja
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Dong Xu, Mayer Alexander, Liu Xu, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Zuo Wenhua, Innocenti Alessandro, Zarrabeitia Maider, Bresser Dominic, Yang Yong, Passerini Stefano
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Shin Yuyoung, Stepien Dominik, Hepp Marco, Butz Benjamin, Bresser Dominic, Fleischmann Simon
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Wu Fanglin, Fang Shan, Kuenzel Matthias, Diemant Thomas, Kim Jae-Kwang, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano
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Lin Chun-Cheng, Chen Zhen, Euchner Holger, Eisenmann Tobias, Geng Katrin, Diemant Thomas, Fang Shan, Yen C.-H., Yen Chih-Han, Passerini Stefano, Hu Chi-Chang, Bresser Dominic
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Wu Fanglin, Mullaliu Angelo, Diemant Thomas, Stepien Dominik, Parac-Vogt Tatjana N., Kim Jae-Kwang, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano
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Dong Xu, Liu Xu, Li Huihua, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Lenzer Anja, Birrozzi Adele, Wirsching Anna-Lena, Li Yueliang, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Asenbauer Jakob, Bresser Dominic
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Yusim Yuriy, Hunstock Dirk F., Mayer Alexander, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Janek Jürgen, Henss Anja
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Kim Guk-Tae, Antonelli Claire, Iojoiu Cristina, Löffler Marlou, Bresser Dominic, Molméret Yannick, Sanchez Jean-Yves, Passerini Stefano
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Pinto Bautista Sebastián, Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Asenbauer Jakob, Shi Kai, Jestin Simon
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Xue Xilai, Asenbauer Jakob, Bresser Dominic
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Yen Chih-Han, Neale Alex R., Lim Jungwoo, Bresser Dominic, Hardwick Laurence J., Hu Chi-Chang
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Xu Yun, Mullaliu Angelo, Lin Shawn D., Ma Yanjiao, Asenbauer Jakob, Zarrabeitia Maider, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Xu Yun, Fang Shan, Zarrabeitia Maider, Kuenzel Matthias, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Mariani Alessandro, Diemant Thomas, Lyonnard Sandrine, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Liang Hai-Peng, Bresser Dominic
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Ali Shehab E., Olszewski Wojciech, Marini Carlo, Kazzazi Arefeh, Choi Hyeongseon, Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Tonti Dino, Simonelli Laura
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Rath Purna Chandra, Liu Ming-Song, Lo Shih-Ting, Dhaka Rajendra S., Bresser Dominic, Yang Chun-Chen, Lee Sheng-Wei, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Steinle Dominik, Chen Zhen, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Kuenzel Matthias, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Umesh B., Rath P. C., Patra J., Hernandha R. F. H., Majumder S. B., Gao Xinpei, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Lai H.-Z., Chang T.-L., Chang J.-K.
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Mayer Alexander, Steinle Dominik, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Takeiri F., Watanabe A., Okamoto K., Bresser D., Lyonnard S., Frick B., Ali A., Imai Y., Nishikawa M., Yonemura M., Saito T., Ikeda K., Otomo T., Kamiyama T., Kanno R., Kobayashi G.
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Liang Hai-Peng, Chen Zhen, Dong Xu, Zinkevich Tatiana, Indris Sylvio, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Schuer A. R., Kuenzel M., Yang S., Kosfeld M., Mueller F., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Liang Hai-Peng, Zarrabeitia Maider, Chen Zhen, Jovanovic S., Merz S., Granwehr J., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Birrozzi Adele, Mullaliu Angelo, Eisenmann Tobias, Asenbauer Jakob, Diemant Thomas, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Oliveira de Souza Danilo, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Darr Jawwad A., Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Wirsching Anna-Lena, Lang Marcel, Indris Sylvio, Eisenmann Tobias, Mullaliu Angelo, Birrozzi Adele, Hoefling Alexander, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Schuster Rolf, Bresser Dominic
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Birrozzi Adele, Bautista Sebastián Pinto, Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Starkey Chris, Darr Jawwad A., Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Kim Guk-Tae, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic
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Mayer Alexander, Ates Tugce, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Dong Xu, Liu Xu, Han Jin, Chen Zhen, Zhang Huang, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Geng Katrin, Eisenmann Tobias, Parmar Rahul, Rezvani Javad, Gunnella Roberto, Amati Matteo, Gregoratti Luca, Stepien Dominik, Diemant Thomas, Bresser Dominic
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Xu Yun, Diemant Thomas, Kim Guk-Tae, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Horstmann Birger, Shi Jiayan, Amine Rachid, Werres Martin, He Xin, Jia Hao, Hausen Florian, Cekic-Laskovic Isidora, Wiemers-Meyer Simon, Lopez Jeffrey, Galvez-Aranda Diego, Baakes Florian, Bresser Dominic, Su Chi-Cheung, Xu Yaobin, Xu Wu, Jakes Peter, Eichel Rüdiger-A., Figgemeier Egbert, Krewer Ulrike, Seminario Jorge M., Balbuena Perla B., Wang Chongmin, Passerini Stefano, Shao-Horn Yang, Winter Martin, Amine Khalil, Kostecki Robert, Latz Arnulf
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Chen Zhen, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Zarrabeitia Maider, Liang Hai-Peng, Geiger Dorin, Kim Jae-Kwang, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Iojoiu Cristina, Bresser Dominic
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Montanino Maria, Sico Giuliano, De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Asenbauer Jakob, Binder Joachim R., Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Asenbauer Jakob, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Eisenmann Tobias, Birrozzi Adele, Mullaliu Angelo, Giuli Gabriele, Trapananti Angela, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Li Chi, Rath Purna Chandra, Lu Shi-Xian, Patra Jagabandhu, Su Ching-Yuan, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Birrozzi Adele, Belchi Raphaelle, Bouclé Johann, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Herlin-Boime Nathalie, Bresser Dominic
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Ma Y., Ma Y., Euchner H., Liu X., Zhang H., Qin B., Geiger D., Biskupek J., Carlsson A., Kaiser U., Groß A., Indris S., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Eisenmann Tobias, Asenbauer Jakob, Rezvani Seyed Javad, Diemant Thomas, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Bautista Sebastián Pinto
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Eisenmann T., Birrozzi A., Mullaliu A., Asenbauer J., Giuli G., Trapananti A., Olivi L., Moon H., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Puspitasari Diah A., Patra Jagabandhu, Hung I-Ming, Bresser Dominic, Lee Tai-Chou, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Kazzazi Arefeh, Bresser Dominic, Kuenzel Matthias, Hekmatfar Maral, Schnaidt Johannes, Jusys Zenonas, Diemant Thomas, Behm R. Jürgen, Copley Mark, Maranski Krzystof, Cookson James, Meatza Iratxe de, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Erakca Merve, Weil Marcel, Bresser Dominic, Bautista Sebastián Pinto
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He X., Bresser D., Passerini S., Baakes F., Krewer U., Lopez J., Mallia C. T., Shao-Horn Y., Cekic-Laskovic I., Wiemers-Meyer S., Soto F. A., Ponce V., Seminario J. M., Balbuena P. B., Jia H., Xu W., Xu Y., Wang C., Horstmann B., Amine R., Su C.-C., Shi J., Amine K., Winter M., Latz A., Kostecki R.
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Trapananti Angela, Eisenmann Tobias, Giuli Gabriele, Mueller Franziska, Moretti Arianna, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Chen Zhen, Steinle Dominik, Nguyen Huu-Dat, Kim Jae-Kwang, Mayer Alexander, Shi Junli, Paillard Elie, Iojoiu Cristina, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Eisenmann Tobias, Kuenzel Matthias, Kazzazi Arefeh, Chen Zhen, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Ciambezi M., Trapananti A., Rezvani S. J., Maroni F., Bresser D., Minicucci M., Nobili F., Gunnella R., Passerini S., Di Cicco A.
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Asenbauer Jakob, Kuenzel Matthias, Eisenmann Tobias, Birrozzi Adele, Chang Jeng-Kuei, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer J., Binder J. R., Mueller F., Kuenzel M., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Ma Yanjiao, Ma Yuan, Giuli Gabriele, Euchner Holger, Groß Axel, Lepore Giovanni Orazio, d'Acapito Francesco, Geiger Dorin, Biskupek Johannes, Kaiser Ute, Schütz Hanno M., Carlsson Anna, Diemant Thomas, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Kuenzel Matthias, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Sutarsis, Patra J., Su C.-Y., Li J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Chang J.-K.
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Kim Yongil, Jung Jaeho, Yu Hyein, Kim Guk-Tae, Jeong Dasong, Bresser Dominic, Kang Seok Ju, Kim Youngsik, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Choi Hyeognseon, Wu Fanglin, Kazzazi Arefeh, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Chen R., Bresser D., Saraf M., Gerlach P., Balducci A., Kunz S., Schröder D., Passerini S., Chen J.
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Birrozzi Adele, Asenbauer Jakob, Ashton Thomas E., Groves Alexandra R., Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Darr Jawwad A., Bresser Dominic
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Asenbauer Jakob, Hoefling Alexander, Indris Sylvio, Tübke Jens, Passerini Stefano, Bresser Dominic
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Kuenzel Matthias, Porhiel Regis, Bresser Dominic, Asenbauer Jakob, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Kim Guk-Tae, Axmann Peter, Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Passerini Stefano
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Armand M., Axmann P., Bresser Dominic, Copley M., Edström K., Ekberg C., Guyomard D., Lestriez B., Novák P., Petranikova M., Porcher W., Trabesinger S., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens Margret, Zhang H.
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Kuenzel M., Kim G.-T., Zarrabeitia M., Lin S. D., Schuer A. R., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Nematdoust S., Najjar R., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Marinaro M., Bresser D., Beyer E., Faguy P., Hosoi K., Li H., Sakovica J., Amine K., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Passerini S.
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Fang Shan, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Rezvani S. J., Mijiti Y., Gunnella R., Nobili F., Trapananti A., Minicucci M., Ciambezi M., Bresser D., Nannarone S., Passerini S., Di Cicco A.
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Nematdoust Samira, Najjar R., Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Bresser Dominic, Leclere Mélody, Bernard Laurent, Rannou Patrice, Mendil-Jakani Hakima, Kim Guk-Tae, Zinkevich Tatiana, Indris Sylvio, Gebel Gérard, Lyonnard Sandrine, Picard Lionel
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Wang Zeli, Bresser Dominic, Qin Bingsheng, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Wang Xuesen, Shen Ze Xiang, Passerini Stefano
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Fang Shan, Shen Laifa, Li Shaopeng, Kim Guk-Tae, Bresser Dominic, Zhang Haiqian, Zhang Xiaogang, Maier Joachim, Passerini Stefano
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Rath Purna Chandra, Patra Jagabandhu, Huang Hao-Tzu, Bresser Dominic, Wu Tzi-Yi, Chang Jeng-Kuei
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Wu C.-J., Rath P. C., Patra J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Umesh B., Dong Q.-F., Lee T.-C., Chang J.-K.
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Keller M., Eisenmann T., Meira D., Aquilanti G., Buchholz D., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Dou X., Ding M. S., Kim G.-T., Gao X., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Bresser Dominic, Lyonnard S., Iojoiu C., Picard L., Passerini Stefano
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Nair J. R., Colò F., Kazzazi A., Moreno M., Bresser D., Lin R., Bella F., Meligrana G., Fantini S., Simonetti E., Appetecchi G. B., Passerini S., Gerbaldi C.
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He Xin, Yan Bo, Zhang Xin, Liu Zigeng, Bresser Dominic, Wang Jun, Wang Rui, Cao Xia, Su Yixi, Jia Hao, Grey Clare P., Frielinghaus Henrich, Truhlar Donald G., Winter Martin, Li Jie, Paillard Elie
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Guang Yang, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Huang Yizhong, Copley Mark, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Passerini Stefano, Shen Zexiang
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Chen Zhen, Kim Guk-Tae, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Asenbauer Jakob, Jeong Sangsik, Copley Mark, Behm Rolf Jürgen, Lin Jianyi, Shen Zexiang, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yuan, Ma Yanjiao, Bresser Dominic, Ji Yuanchun, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Streb Carsten, Varzi Alberto, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yanjiao, Ma Yuan, Ulissi Ulderico, Ji Yuanchun, Streb Carsten, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kazzazi Arefeh, Bresser Dominic, Birrozzi Agnese, Zamory Jan von, Hekmatfar Maral, Passerini Stefano
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Kuenzel Matthias, Bresser Dominic, Diemant Thomas, Carvalho Diogo Vieira, Kim Guk-Tae, Behm R. Jürgen, Passerini Stefano
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Vicente Nuria, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Garcia-Belmonte Germà
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Ma Y., Ma Y., Giuli G., Diemant T., Behm R. J., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Ulissi U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Nguyen H.-D., Kim G.-T., Shi J., Paillard E., Judeinstein P., Lyonnard S., Bresser D., Iojoiu C.
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Bresser D., Buchholz D., Moretti A., Varzi A., Passerini S.
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Bresser Dominic, Hosoi Kei, Howell David, Li Hong, Zeisel Herbert, Amine Khalil, Passerini Stefano
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Giuli Gabriele, Eisenmann Tobias, Bresser Dominic, Trapananti Angela, Asenbauer Jakob, Mueller Franziska, Passerini Stefano
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Ma Yanjiao, Ulissi Ulderico, Bresser Dominic, Ma Yuan, Ji Yuanchun, Passerini Stefano
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Delhorbe Virginie, Bresser Dominic, Mendil-Jakani Hakima, Rannou Patrice, Bernard Laurent, Gutel Thibaut, Lyonnard Sandrine, Picard Lionel
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Mueller Franziska, Gutsche Alexander, Nirschl Hermann, Geiger Dorin, Kaiser Ute, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Wu L., Moretti A., Buchholz D., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano, Scrosati Bruno
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Müller F., Geiger D., Kaiser U., Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Elia G. A., Bresser D., Reiter J., Oberhumer P., Sun Y.-K., Scrosati B., Passerini S., Hassoun J.
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Bresser D., Kim G.-T., Binetti E., Striccoli M., Comparelli R., Seidel S., Ozkaya D., Copley M., Bishop P., Paillard E., Passerini S.
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Bolloli M., Kalhoff J., Alloin F., Bresser D., Phung Le M. L., Langlois B., Passerini S., Sanchez J.-Y.
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Birrozzi Agnese, Copley Mark, Zamory Jan von, Pasqualini Marta, Calcaterra Silvia, Nobili Francesco, Di Cicco Andrea, Rajantie Hanna, Briceno Martha, Bilbé Edward, Cabo-Fernandez Laura, Hardwick Laurence J., Bresser Dominic, Passerinia Stefano
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Wu L., Bresser D., Buchholz D., Passerini S.
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Oschmann B., Tahir M. N., Mueller F., Bresser D., Lieberwirth I., Tremel W., Passerini S., Zentel R.
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Bresser D., Oschmann B., Tahir M. N., Mueller F., Lieberwirth I., Tremel W., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Müller F., Bresser D., Chakravadhanula V. S. K., Passerini S.
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Giuli G., Trapananti A., Müller F., Bresser D., Dacapito F., Passerini S.
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Müller Franziska, Bresser Dominic, Passerini Stefano
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Kalhoff J., Eshetu G. G., Bresser D., Passerini S.
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Bolloli M., Alloin F., Kalhoff J., Bresser D., Passerini S., Judeinstein P., Lepretre J. C.
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Wu Liming, Bresser Dominic, Buchholz Daniel, Giffin Guinevere A., Ramirez Castro Claudia, Ochel Anders, Passerini Stefano
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Loeffler N., Bresser D., Passerini S., Copley M.
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Varzi A., Bresser D., Zamory J. von, Mueller F., Passerini S.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalkhoff J., Menne S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Elia G. A., Wang J., Bresser D., Li J., Scrosati B., Passerini S., Hassoun J.
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Mueller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalhoff J., Menne S., Krueger S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Varzi A., Bresser D., Zamory J. von, Müller F., Passerini S.
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Passerini S., Bresser D.
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Bresser D., Elia G. A., Hassoun J., Kwak W. J., Lamp P., Müller F., Nürnberge S., Oberhumer P., Paschos O., Passerini S., Reiter J., Scrosati B., Sun Y. K., Tsiouvaras N.
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Bresser D., Müller F., Giuli G., Trapananti A., Passerini S.
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Bresser D., Wu L., Oschmann B., Müller F., Buchholz D., Tahir M. N., Tremel W., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Bresser D., Oschmann B., Paillard E., Zentel R., Passerini S.
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Müller F., Bresser D., Minderjahn N., Kalkhoff S., Menne S., Krüger S., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Elia G. A., Hassoun J., Kwak W. J., Sun Y. K., Scrosati B., Müller F., Bresser D., Passerini S., Oberhumer P., Tsiouvaras N., Reiter J.
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Bresser D., Paillard E., Niehoff P., Krueger S., Mueller F., Winter M., Passerini S.
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Martinez-Julian F., Guerrero A., Haro M., Bisquert J., Bresser D., Paillard E., Passerini S., Garcia-Belmonte G.
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Bresser D., Passerini S., Scrosati B.
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Group Facts