The electron microscopy and spectroscopy research group at HIU is an interdisciplinary group in which physicists, chemists, materials scientists and geologists combine their research efforts..
The main focus is on the finding of the structure and morphology of novel battery materials and components – therefor we use a combination of directly mapping methods up to the atomic resolution and spectroscopic methods for chemical characterisation. In cooperation with other research groups at HIU the purpose of our work is to develop an understanding of the correlation between structure and electrochemical properties and stability. We are developing new in-situ TEM methods in order to map directly the structural changes during electrochemical cycling of miniaturised batteries.
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The development of advanced materials for new batteries increasingly focuses on nanostructured composites to combine high electron and ion conductivity for new cathode materials. These nano composites typically exhibit a complex morphology geared to maintain high capacity over extended charging/discharging cycles. The aim of the electron microscopy & spectroscopy group is to characterize the morphology and composition of the active battery materials at the atomic to nanometer scale in 2D and also 3D using a combination of high-resolution imaging (TEM, HAADF-STEM), spectroscopy (EELS, EDX) and tomographic techniques to correlate the structure and morphology at different charging states with the cyclic stability. To some extent, this characterization is possible using well-developed ex-situ analytical (S)TEM techniques that only need to be optimized to deal with the electron beam sensitivity of most battery materials. However,for a more direct analysis of the structural changes during electrochemical cycling, we are also actively developing new techniques for in-situ imaging of micron/nano-sized battery models inside the TEM.
In collaboration with Prof. Max Fichtner, we have characterized the structure of Fe/Lif/C conversion electrodes used as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries. The conversion materials prepared pyrolysis of ferrocene with LiF initially consist of iron (and some iron carbide) nanoparticles with a thin graphitic shell, interconnected by MWCNTs.
Charging leads to the formation of FeF2/C or FeF3/C nanoparticles with the graphitic shell still present.
Both, the graphitic shell and the MWCNTs are crucial for a good cyclic behavior with the graphitic shell presumably responsible forthe cyclicstability of the iron nanoparticles and the MWCNTs ensuring electrical contact through the electrode.
In addition to the ex-situ analysis shown above, we are developing new preparation and analysis approaches to follow the structural changes in micron sized solid state batteries and half cells in-situ using TEM techniques. The basic idea is to use FIB preparation to cut a thin cross-section from a solid state battery that is then transferred under (close to) inert conditions onto an electro-contacting TEM holder for in-situ analysis using low-dose and low voltage TEM and STEM techniques.
The materials currently under investigation are solid state lithium ion batteries with Garnet type electrolytes in collaboration with Prof. Jürgen Janek group at the University Giessen and new lithium-free fluoride based solid state batteries in collaboration with Prof. Max Fichtner.
As part of the development of the in-situ liquid experiments in the TEM, we have the possibility to introduce liquids between two SiN membranes using a Protochips Posseidon in-situ liquid flow holder along with electrical measurements. On the other hand, nanoparticles can also be generated in liquids inside the TEM induced through electron beam which is critical to differentiate from the actual experiment of interest.
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The electron microscopy and spectroscopy group is operating the following equipment at the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) in Karlsruhe, which is available for research activities within HIU:
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) enables characterization of materials by direct imaging with up to atomic resolution. The image information can be locally correlated with spectroscopic techniques (EELS/EFTEM and EDX) to provide semi-quantitative elemental composition/maps with sub-nanometer resolution. All of these techniques can also be performed in-situ, e.g. during heating, electrical biasing or straining to directly correlate structural changes and materials properties. Furthermore, for complex three-dimensional structures, electron tomography can be used to generate a 3D representation of the material with a spatial resolution of 1–2 nm.
The FEI Strata 400S and the Zeiss Auriga 60 Dual Beam FIB are both a combination of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a focused ion beam (FIB) system, which allows imaging and structuring of materials at the nanoscale. The focused gallium ion beam can either be used for ion imaging or to cut predefined patterns or images in the surface of a solid. At the same time, the SEM can be used to image the nanostructures generated by FIB. In addition, it is possible to locally deposit C, Pt or W from precursor gases using the electron or ion beam. Using this combined approach it is possible to
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The electron microscopy and spectroscopy group is partner in a number of national and international collaborations and projects. Battery related projects are pursued as part of the following projects.
“Novel in situ and in operando techniques for characterization of interfaces in electrochemical storage systems”. The objective of the project is to develop methodologies for determining in detail the role of interface boundaries and interface layers on transport properties and reactivity in lithium batteries, and to use the knowledge gained to improve performance.
The Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF) is a Helmholtz user facility operated at the KIT in Karslruhe providing access to a varierty of nano- and micro structuring and characteriaztion facilities.
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The development of advanced materials for new batteries increasingly focuses on nanostructured composites to combine high electron and ion conductivity for new cathode materials. These nano composites typically exhibit a complex morphology geared to maintain high capacity over extended charging/discharging cycles. The aim of the electron microscopy & spectroscopy group is to characterize the morphology and composition of the active battery materials at the atomic to nanometer scale in 2D and also 3D using a combination of high-resolution imaging (TEM, HAADF-STEM), spectroscopy (EELS, EDX) and tomographic techniques to correlate the structure and morphology at different charging states with the cyclic stability. To some extent, this characterization is possible using well-developed ex-situ analytical (S)TEM techniques that only need to be optimized to deal with the electron beam sensitivity of most battery materials. However,for a more direct analysis of the structural changes during electrochemical cycling, we are also actively developing new techniques for in-situ imaging of micron/nano-sized battery models inside the TEM.
In collaboration with Prof. Max Fichtner, we have characterized the structure of Fe/Lif/C conversion electrodes used as cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries. The conversion materials prepared pyrolysis of ferrocene with LiF initially consist of iron (and some iron carbide) nanoparticles with a thin graphitic shell, interconnected by MWCNTs.
Charging leads to the formation of FeF2/C or FeF3/C nanoparticles with the graphitic shell still present.
Both, the graphitic shell and the MWCNTs are crucial for a good cyclic behavior with the graphitic shell presumably responsible forthe cyclicstability of the iron nanoparticles and the MWCNTs ensuring electrical contact through the electrode.
In addition to the ex-situ analysis shown above, we are developing new preparation and analysis approaches to follow the structural changes in micron sized solid state batteries and half cells in-situ using TEM techniques. The basic idea is to use FIB preparation to cut a thin cross-section from a solid state battery that is then transferred under (close to) inert conditions onto an electro-contacting TEM holder for in-situ analysis using low-dose and low voltage TEM and STEM techniques.
The materials currently under investigation are solid state lithium ion batteries with Garnet type electrolytes in collaboration with Prof. Jürgen Janek group at the University Giessen and new lithium-free fluoride based solid state batteries in collaboration with Prof. Max Fichtner.
As part of the development of the in-situ liquid experiments in the TEM, we have the possibility to introduce liquids between two SiN membranes using a Protochips Posseidon in-situ liquid flow holder along with electrical measurements. On the other hand, nanoparticles can also be generated in liquids inside the TEM induced through electron beam which is critical to differentiate from the actual experiment of interest.
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The electron microscopy and spectroscopy group is operating the following equipment at the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) in Karlsruhe, which is available for research activities within HIU:
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) enables characterization of materials by direct imaging with up to atomic resolution. The image information can be locally correlated with spectroscopic techniques (EELS/EFTEM and EDX) to provide semi-quantitative elemental composition/maps with sub-nanometer resolution. All of these techniques can also be performed in-situ, e.g. during heating, electrical biasing or straining to directly correlate structural changes and materials properties. Furthermore, for complex three-dimensional structures, electron tomography can be used to generate a 3D representation of the material with a spatial resolution of 1–2 nm.
The FEI Strata 400S and the Zeiss Auriga 60 Dual Beam FIB are both a combination of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a focused ion beam (FIB) system, which allows imaging and structuring of materials at the nanoscale. The focused gallium ion beam can either be used for ion imaging or to cut predefined patterns or images in the surface of a solid. At the same time, the SEM can be used to image the nanostructures generated by FIB. In addition, it is possible to locally deposit C, Pt or W from precursor gases using the electron or ion beam. Using this combined approach it is possible to
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The electron microscopy and spectroscopy group is partner in a number of national and international collaborations and projects. Battery related projects are pursued as part of the following projects.
“Novel in situ and in operando techniques for characterization of interfaces in electrochemical storage systems”. The objective of the project is to develop methodologies for determining in detail the role of interface boundaries and interface layers on transport properties and reactivity in lithium batteries, and to use the knowledge gained to improve performance.
The Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF) is a Helmholtz user facility operated at the KIT in Karslruhe providing access to a varierty of nano- and micro structuring and characteriaztion facilities.
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Helmholtz Institute Ulm Electrochemical energy storage (HIU)
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89081 Ulm
Tel.: +49 0731 5034001
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