HIU researcher among most cited scientists worldwide

The deputy director of HIU, Stefano Passerini, is listed on the international citation ranking “Highly Cited Researchers 2015“ and thereby among the most influential researchers in his field.


Basis for this ranking by the media group Thomson Reuters are collected data on articles filed in the “Web of Science” from 2003 to 2013. Altogether, there are 120,000 articles in 21 main fields of science and the social sciences. Highly Cited Researchers presents around 3,200 researchers — ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication. The frequency of citations by other researchers are an important indicator for the relevance of scientific papers. In 2015 Stefano Passerini was cited 1,800 times and other scientists referred to 352 of his papers. “The members of my research group were the key to achieve such recognition by other scientists and it shows that we are doing research in the right way”, Passerini clarified.


Since January 2014, he holds a professorship at the HIU and since July 2015 he is also deputy director of the institute. He has been working on the development of materials and systems for electrochemical energy storage for 30 years. His research efforts are focused on the fundamental understanding and the development of materials for lithium batteries, such as ionic liquids, polymer electrolytes, and electrode materials. He is co-author of almost 400 publications and has several newly-created materials patented.


For further information on the ranking, please visit: highlycited.com

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