Ten girls from the 8th grade used this year’s Girls’ Day on 28 March to take a look behind the scenes at HIU and got to know the work of a battery researcher.

Prof. Stefano Passerini, Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm, has now been elected to the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Passerini has been working on the development of materials and systems for electrochemical energy storage for 30 years. His research focuses on the basic understanding and development of materials for lithium batteries, such as ionic liquids, polymer electrolytes and electrode materials. Passerini is the co-author of over 500 publications and for the third year in a row one of the most cited researchers in his field.


The Leopoldina is one of the oldest science academies in the world. Since its foundation in 1652, it is obligated to the advancement of free science, to benefit humankind and to shape a common future. With a base of about 1,500 members, the Leopoldina unites the forces of outstanding scientists from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and numerous other countries. The Leopoldina was appointed the German National Academy of Sciences in 2008. In this capacity, it represents the German scientific community in international committees and assumes a nonpartisan scientific position on social and political issues.

Professor Dr. Maximilian Fichtner reported on the current situation in energy supply at KIT’s Open Day. The focus was on the contribution that batteries can make to the storage of renewable energies and the challenges that have to be mastered in order to implement the energy system transformation in the coming years.


Learning tractors, synthetic CO2-neutral fuels, new technologies for e-mobility, innovative vehicle and transport systems. In addition, there was a knowledge rally for children and a top-class stage programme. KIT presented all this at the Open Day on Saturday, 29 June 2019, which also marked the start of this year’s EFFEKTE science festival in Karlsruhe. 9,000 visitors plunged into the exciting world of science at KIT’s Campus East with hands-on activities, lectures and demonstrations.

Dr. Heribert Wilhelm, Managing Director of HIU, welcomed the 20-strong delegation from Taiwanese representatives from industry, research and administration and informed them about HIU research, the research platform CELEST and the Cluster of Excellence POLiS. Baden-Württemberg International, the economic development agency of the state of Baden-Württemberg, carried out the information trip on the subject of battery-operated traction systems and charging infrastructure, a project of the BMWi’s Energy Export Initiative.

The information trip consisted of visits to German companies and institutions with the aim of informing Taiwanese decision-makers about German technologies and solutions and sensitizing them to their performance. At the same time, the information trip offered a forum for mutual exchange that could facilitate future cooperation.

Energy transition topics are gaining more and more political significance. The discussion about sustainable energy production and reliable supply security often leads to the question: Where could future energy storage systems be deployed and how do they have to perform?

How such a future szenario might look like was debated on September 16th, 2019 by numerous industry representatives at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU). The energy experts met for the events series “Energy Transition Dialogue” to catch up on current research results of electrochemical energy storage.

Rudolf Scharping, once Prime Minister of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate and Federal Defense Minister of Germany, led the accompanying workshop “Key to Energy Transition – Storage Technologies in Comparison”.

Prof. Dr. med. Maximilian Fichtner, Deputy Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm accompanied the workshop scientifically and provided an overview of current research results on electrochemical energy storage.

Markus Breig/KIT: Dr. Zhirong Zhao-Karger (left) and Dr. Zhenyou Li (right)

Scientists at Helmholtz Institute Ulm developed first electrolytes for calcium batteries with acceptable properties at room temperature.


Calcium-based batteries promise to reach a high energy density at low manufacturing costs. This lab-scale technology has the potential for replacing lithium-ion technology in future energy storage systems. Using the electrolytes available, however, it has been impossible so far to charge calcium batteries at room temperature. In the Energy & Environmental Science journal, researchers of HIU now present a promising electrolyte class, with which this will be possible.


Efficient, large, and low-cost energy storage systems will facilitate the transition to zero-emission mobility and power supply nationwide. Today’s predominant lithium-ion technology, however, cannot fulfill this task on a global scale, says Professor Maximilian Fichtner, Director of the research platform CELEST (Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe). Here, calcium batteries and other storage technologies are studied. “In the medium term, lithium-ion batteries will reach their limits in terms of performance and some of the resources used for their manufacture. This will prevent their future use wherever that would be reasonable for the energy transition. Availability of resources needed for manufacture, such as cobalt, nickel, and lithium, is limited.”


At the Helmholtz Institute Ulm Fichtner and his team focus on alternative battery technologies instead. These technologies are based on more abundant resources. Calcium is a promising candidate, because it can release and accept two electrons per atom contrary to lithium and because it supplies a voltage similar to that of lithium: “Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is distributed homogeneously on earth and it is safe, non-toxic and inexpensive.”


Search for a Suitable Electrolyte


Still, there has been a big obstacle in calcium battery development so far: In contrast to the established lithium-ion technology or more recent sodium or magnesium technologies, practicable electrolytes to produce rechargeable calcium batteries have been lacking so far. “For a few years now, experimental electrolytes and, hence, prototypes of the calcium battery have been available,” says Dr. Zhenyou Li, first author of the study, and Dr. Zhirong Zhao-Karger, who heads the project. Both are working in the POLiS (Post Lithium Storage) Cluster of Excellence at HIU.


“But these electrolytes enable charging at temperatures beyond 75 degrees Celsius only and additionally they are susceptible to undesired side reactions. ”The researchers have now succeeded in synthesizing a class of new electrolytes based on special organic calcium salts. These electrolytes enable charging at room temperature. Using the new electrolyte calcium tetrakis[hexafluoroisopropyloxy] borate, the researchers demonstrated feasibility of calcium batteries of high energy density, storage capacity, and quick-charging capability. Their results are reported in the journal “Energy & Environmental Science”.


Calcium Batteries as Sustainable Energy Storage Systems


The new class of electrolytes is an important basis for transferring calcium batteries from the laboratory to application. In electric vehicles, mobile electronic devices, and stationary storage systems, they might replace the presently predominating lithium-ion battery one day. But this may take a while: “The new electrolytes are a first important step,” Fichtner emphasizes. “There still is a far way to go to the mature calcium battery.”


Zhenyou Li, Olaf Fuhr, Maximilian Fichtner, Zhirong Zhao-Karger: Towards stable and efficient electrolytes for room-temperature rechargeable calcium batteries. Energy & Environmental Science, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/c9ee01699f.

Professor Horst Hahn, HIU founding director and director of the Institute for Nanotechnology at KIT, was elected a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) in the USA. He will receive the award in April 2020 at the NAI Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.

Horst Hahn’s research in the field of materials science includes the synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures as well as their characterization and properties. In addition to basic research, he also focuses on application-related topics such as new battery materials, materials for printable electronics and nanomaterials for catalysis.

The National Academy of Inventors was founded in 2010 along the lines of the National Academy of the United States. The approximately 4,000 international members of the organization, including 1060 elected fellows, come from more than 250 institutions worldwide. The Fellow program honors academic researchers who, through their outstanding inventions, have a “noticeable impact on quality of life, economic development and the well-being of society”. Admission to the NAI’s Fellow program is the highest professional award for academic inventors.

“How do I charge my cell phone battery most gently?”, “How does the fire brigade extinguish the fire of an electric car?”, “What does the energy transition have to do with batteries at all?”

These and other questions 60 high school students asked three HIU PhD students on February 18, 2020. Two tenth grades of the Johann Vanotti High School in Ehingen were hosted guests at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) to learn about new batteries and battery concepts.

Managing Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Dr. Heribert Wilhelm opened the visit with a short lecture on “the Role of Batteries in times of Climate Change”. Afterwards, the three HIU PhD students Linda Bolay (DLR), Mathias Künzel and Dominik Steinle answered questions from the students.

Why battery research?

Because it is not always available for immediate use, energy from renewable resources such as the wind and sun needs to be stored. Similarly, electric cars need intermediate storage of the electrical energy required for driving. Offering an efficient solution to this problem are batteries that temporarily store and release electrical energy with very little energy loss. The more lossless these batteries work, the more important their role in the energy transition.

Aim of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm

A student asks directly: “What is the long-term goal?” Well: The Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) charges itself with the task of pursuing fundamental questions in electrochemical energy storage as a platform for creating vital new material and cell concepts. The primary aim of the HIU is to develop sustainable, next-generation battery technologies, in full, to develop electrochemical energy storage with more capacity and greater efficiency that is at the same time lighter, longer lasting, safer and cheaper than conventional technologies.

After the lectures and workshops, the 60 high school students were allowed to visit the institute’s physics and chemistry laboratories. Here they were able to experience what everyday life looks like for a battery researcher.

Invitation: For a day battery researcher
Girls’ Day: March 26, 2020

Would you also like to get a taste of the profession of a battery researcher? The Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) offers regular insights into its interior. Around 120 physicists and chemists at HIU are researching future batteries for electric cars, laptops and smartphones.

In their laboratories, they show exactly how they do this: workshop participants are allowed to build their own batteries and work on glove boxes under protective gas. Visitors can examine various materials on a scanning electron microscope and take pictures of them.

The offer is aimed at students from grade 8 to 11. More information on this years’s Girls’ Day at Ulm University is available here:

Register for Girls’ Day 2020 at HIU

March 26th, 2020

At the 12th edition of the annual International Conference on Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automobile Applications (ABAA-12), held in October 2019 in Ulm, Germany, policy makers from China, Germany, Japan, the European Commission and the USA provided an in-depth description of their respective visions on how to bring forward battery technology.

These visions are now summarized in a Perspective article on Journal of Power Sources reporting the R&D trends presented at the conference and the current penetration of electric vehicles in the mass market:

“Bringing forward the development of battery cells for automotive applications: Perspective of R&D activities in China, Japan, the EU and the USA” (The manuscript is presently accessible free of charge until May 19, 2020).

Journal of Power Sources releases ABAA-12 publication – Presently free accessible (Vol. 459, May 2020).

Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens (ZSW), Prof. Stefano Passerini (HIU) and Dr. Khalil Amine (IALB/Argonne National Laboratory, USA) headed the conference.

Speakers included the renowned chemist M. Stanley Whittingham, who is regarded as one of the fathers of lithium-ion technology and who learned of his Nobel Prize award whilst in Ulm.

ABAA12 Conference in Ulm (Oct 6 – 9, 2019)

Journal of Power Sources

Full Manuscript

In order to develop future batteries, partners from science and industry from all over Europe have launched the BATTERY 2030+ research initiative. A roadmap specifies the milestones: a platform for material development using artificial intelligence (AI), networked sensors and self-healing technology for batteries as well as sustainable manufacturing and recycling processes. The Helmholtz Institute Ulm, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the University of Ulm and the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) are involved in the consortium via the research platform CELEST.

Changes towards a climate-neutral society require fundamental transformations in the way we generate, use and store energy. The European research initiative BATTERY 2030+ aims at high-performance battery storage that is sustainable, safe and inexpensive at the same time. The participating research institutions and companies have now published a roadmap that defines both the properties of future batteries and measures to accelerate development. Three main research areas are identified: “We want to speed up the search for new materials and the right material mix, get new functions on the way and establish manufacturing and recycling concepts,” says Professor Maximilian Fichtner, Deputy Director at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm and spokesman for the Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm-Karlsruhe (CELEST). “With BATTERY 2030+ we are now bringing together expertise in the respective sub-areas across Europe and working in a coordinated manner. This gives us the opportunity to be at the forefront of battery development worldwide, also in competition with the United States and Asia. “

Accelerated material development with artificial intelligence

In order to learn how certain materials behave and how they have to be handled in order to produce certain properties, Battery 2030+ has to build a globally unique High-Throughput system (MAP, Materials Acceleration Platform). The combination of automated synthesis, characterization and material modeling as well as data mining techniques and AI in test evaluation and planning should significantly accelerate the development of new battery materials. Building on this common platform, BATTERY 2030+ will start analyzing the properties of material interfaces, such as the interface between the electrode and electrolyte or between active material and various additives. This “interface genome” (BIG, Battery Interface Genome) is intended to help researchers develop promising approaches for new, high-performance batteries.

Intelligent functionalities and a sustainable development process

External factors such as extreme temperatures, mechanical stress, excessive performance during operation or simply aging over time have a negative impact on the performance of a battery. The researchers at BATTERY 2030+ have therefore decided to jointly develop intelligent and networked sensor concepts that will in future be able to observe chemical and electrochemical reactions directly in the battery cell. You may discover early stages of battery failure or unwanted side reactions that lead to battery aging. In addition, the batteries of the next generation are to be equipped with “self-healing powers”: damage inside a battery that would otherwise lead to battery failure can be compensated for by skillful use of materials. Sensors and self-healing should make batteries even more reliable and durable in the future. Used cells of high quality are also attractive for a second use. In addition, Battery 2030+ already pursues the goal of maximum sustainability during development. Parameters such as resource-saving manufacturability, recyclability, critical raw materials and toxicity flow directly into the algorithms of the MAP-based development of new battery concepts.

The first projects from the roadmap for BATTERY 2030+ have already been approved by the EU and can now start. CELEST is a key player in the project for accelerated material development, modeling and data evaluation using AI and the associated autonomous robotics.

The roadmap: https://battery2030.eu/research/roadmap/

About the BATTERY 2030+ consortium

In addition to KIT and the University of Ulm, the BATTERY 2030+ consortium includes five universities: the University of Uppsala (coordinator), the Polytechnic Institute of Turin, the Technical University of Denmark, the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Münster; several research centers: the French Research Center for Alternative Energy and Nuclear Energy CEA, the French National Center for Scientific Research CNRS, the Research Center Jülich, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fundacion Cidetec, the National Institute for Chemistry Slovenia, the Organization for Applied and Technical Research Norway; as well as the industry associations EMIRI, EASE and RECHARGE and the Absiskey company. The consortium receives support from official European and national bodies, including ALISTORE ERI, EERA, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT RawMaterials, EARPA, EUROBAT, EGVI, CLEPA, EUCAR, KLIB, RS2E, from the Swedish Center for Electromobility, from PolStorEn, ENEA, CIC energigune, IMEC and the Tyndall National Institute.

More information: www.battery2030.eu

About research platform CELEST

The research platform CELEST (Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe) was founded in 2018 by the partners KIT, University of Ulm and the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) for strategic cooperation and is one of the largest in international comparison Battery research activities. 45 working groups from 29 institutes of the KIT, the University of Ulm and the ZSW bring their complementary expertise to the platform CELEST – from basic research to practical development and technology transfer. CELEST is active in three research fields: lithium-ion technology, energy storage beyond lithium, and alternative techniques for electrochemical energy storage and conversion.

Further information: www.celest.de