21. Februar 2022

ERC Starting Grant for Dr. Dominic Bresser – Charging batteries faster thanks to innovative anode materials

For the development of innovative electrode materials in the RACER research project, young researcher Dr. Dominic Bresser was awarded with a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC).

Long-lasting batteries that can be charged quickly are the key to a breakthrough in climate-friendly electromobility. How much energy a battery can absorb and how long it takes to charge is physically limited, among other things, by the atomic structure and the elements in the electrode material. In the research project RACER (“Highly Redox-active Atomic Centers in Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries”), the previous limits are now to be expanded with the help of innovative material concepts.

Great News from #Ulm! ??For the #development of #innovative #anode #materials in the RACER #research project, Dominic Bresser was ? awarded with a #Starting #Grant by the @ERC_Research. ⚡️?https://t.co/xDWJS3wIfi @KITKarlsruhe @uni_ulm @DLR_de #batteries

— Helmholtz Institute Ulm ?? (@HelmholtzUlm) February 21, 2022

“We use a completely new storage mechanism for the charge carriers,” says Dr. Dominic Bresser, who heads the project at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU). “In addition to the typical reversible storage of ions as charge carriers in the crystal lattice of the electrode material, we now also use controlled redox reactions at the atomic level.” As a result, the energy density can be significantly increased while at the same time having a high rapid charging capability.

Dominic Bresser’s research group, Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials, recently published a “Proof of Concept” for the project: “At the beginning we want to understand the underlying mechanism in much more detail. So, the first step is experimenting with our proof of concept material iron-doped cerium oxide. In this case, iron is the highly redox-active center,” says Bresser, adding: “We want see if we can replace iron by other elements and the effect of this substitution. In fact, we have a couple of preliminary data which shows that we can still achieve the same mechanism also with other elements.”

But we would still stick to cerium oxide as the host structure, with all its characteristics; advantages and disadvantages. For example, cerium is considered a rare earth element, although it should be mentioned that cerium is as abundant as copper at the large scale. “Accordingly, the second step will be to replace the cerium by, ideally, much more abundant elements such as titanium or manganese and transfer the mechanism for the cerium oxide host structures to such other metal oxide host structures that are ideally based on very abundant metals, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, cost-efficient and so on. This is the major target of this project,” says Dr. Bresser.

Three ERC Starting Grants for Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

For his research, Dr. Dominic Bresser received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). With the award for the young researcher, the ERC has already awarded three Starting Grants to KIT in the 2021 funding round. The selected projects will be supported for five years with up to 1.5 million euros each.

11. Februar 2022

Batterieforschung: Start für das erste vollautomatische Labor Eine neue High-Tech-Forschungsanlage beim Exzellenzcluster POLiS beschleunigt die Batterieentwicklung – Besuch der Wissenschaftsministerin zum Start

Rund um die Uhr Batterien bauen, tausende Grenzflächen analysieren, die Ergebnisse mithilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) autonom auswerten und dann gleich das nächste Experiment planen: Eine neue Anlage beim Exzellenzcluster POLiS erledigt die Materialentwicklung vollautomatisch und digital. Das autonome Forschungslabor entstand in einer Kooperation des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT), der Universität Ulm sowie des Helmholtz-Instituts Ulm (HIU) und ist nun in Betrieb gegangen. Beim Start mit dabei war die baden-württembergische Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer.

#Battery #Research ??‍♀️?‍?? goes #Artificial #Intelligence in #Ulm: Some words by @TheresiaBauer, Minister for #Science of #Baden#Württemberg, @MaxFichtner & @helsoeste @BIGMAP_EU @CELEST_18 @ClusterPolis @KITKarlsruhe @DLR_de @uni_ulm @ZSW_BW @ClusterPolis #THELAEND #AI pic.twitter.com/GL03vGvL3D

— Helmholtz Institute Ulm ?? (@HelmholtzUlm) February 10, 2022

Für die Verkehrs- und Energiewende werden neuartige leistungsfähige und nachhaltige Batterien benötigt. Dies stellt eine große Herausforderung dar, denn von der Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt dauert es mit gegenwärtigen Methoden Jahrzehnte. Mit einer nun fertiggestellten High-Tech-Anlage bei POLiS soll es zukünftig sehr viel schneller gehen. Entwickelt wurde das Leuchtturmprojekt im Exzellenzcluster POLiS, in dem das KIT gemeinsam mit der Universität Ulm an den Batterien der Zukunft arbeitet. „Mit der Förderung dieser neuen Materialentwicklungsplattform ist eine weltweit einmalige Forschungsinfrastruktur entstanden. Wir erhoffen uns einen deutlichen Schub für die Forschung an Energiespeichern, die bei der Umstellung unseres Energiesystems und unserer Mobilität unerlässlich sind. Zugleich konnten wir mit der Förderung Professor Helge Stein als einen kreativen und umtriebigen Kopf für unser Team in Ulm gewinnen“, sagt Theresia Bauer, Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst in Baden-Württemberg, die POLiS und das HIU anlässlich des Starts besuchte. 

#Batterieforschung: Start für das erste vollautomatische Labor. Eine neue High-Tech-Forschungsanlage beim Exzellenzcluster POLiS beschleunigt die Batterieentwicklung – Besuch der Wissenschaftsministerin zum Start. https://t.co/GzCdv8zrtV pic.twitter.com/k80nVj5t1y

— KIT Karlsruhe (@KITKarlsruhe) February 10, 2022

Weltweit erste vollintegrierte Plattform zur beschleunigten Forschung zur elektrochemischen Energiespeicherung

Helge Stein, Tenure-Track-Professor am KIT und POLiS-Forschungsbereichssprecher erklärt die Vorzüge der Anlage: „Wir sind nun in der Lage, Batterien und deren Einzelkomponenten automatisiert zu synthetisieren und zusammenzubauen, eine Messung anzustoßen und diese vollautomatisiert auszuwerten. Basierend auf der Datenlage kann die KI-gestützte Anlage sogar entscheiden, welches Experiment als nächstes durchgeführt werden soll.“ Mit seiner Forschungsgruppe hat Stein die zugrundeliegende kombinatorische Materialsynthese, die Hochdurchsatz-Charakterisierung sowie die Data-Mining-Techniken unter Zuhilfenahme von Methoden der KI in der Versuchsauswertung und -planung entwickelt. Die Anlage mit dem Namen PLACES/R (Platform for Accelerated Electrochemical Energy Storage Research) stellt die weltweit erste vollintegrierte Plattform zur beschleunigten Forschung zur elektrochemischen Energiespeicherung dar.

Neues Paradigma für die Batteriematerial-Entwicklung

Batterieforschung ist geprägt von der Suche nach der idealen Kombination aus Materialien, deren Zusammensetzung und Verfahrenstechniken. Alle möglichen Variationen mit allen Materialien zu testen, würde mit klassischen Methoden allerdings Jahrtausende in Anspruch nehmen. „Unsere Anlage kann mehrere hundert solcher Variationen am Tag testen. Dies entspricht in etwa dem durchschnittlichen Lebenswerk eines Forschenden“, so Stein. Neben der Beschleunigung durch Automatisierung kann durch die Algorithmen und KI eine zusätzliche, um den Faktor zehn schnellere Optimierung erreicht werden und vielversprechende Batteriekonzepte damit noch schneller und kostengünstiger zur Marktreife gebracht werden.

Eingebettet ist die neue Forschungsanlage in einen europäischen Rahmen: Die erfassten Daten aus allen Bereichen des Batterieentwicklungszyklus werden mit 34 Institutionen aus 15 Ländern im Projekt BIG-MAP der europäischen Forschungsinitiative BATTERY2030+ geteilt. „Das vollautomatisierte Labor wird uns und unsere europäischen Partner nicht nur in die Lage versetzen, Komponenten für neue Batterien viel schneller entwickeln zu können. Es wird auch sicherstellen, dass Batterien zu so niedrigen Kosten hergestellt werden können, dass es in Zukunft noch attraktiver sein wird, Strom zum Beispiel aus Sonne und Wind in Batterien zu speichern“, sagt Professor Maximilian Fichtner, geschäftsführender Direktor des HIU sowie Sprecher von POLiS.

After checking out @helsoeste's new labs at @ClusterPolis, Minister Theresia Bauer followed a couple of scientific presentations at HIU. Core message: Ulm's #battery ? research is based on cooperation: @ZSW_BW @uni_ulm @KITKarlsruhe @CELEST_18 #THELAEND https://t.co/tX19W1lt4T pic.twitter.com/iSvCc0mLxm

— Helmholtz Institute Ulm ?? (@HelmholtzUlm) February 10, 2022

Weitere Informationen:



December 10, 2021

Intl. Symposium on Modeling of Fuel Cells and Batteries

In these days, a new edition of the „Modval“ Symposium is being organized by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The conference is held on March 14-16, 2022 and is co-sponsored by the Helmholtz Institute Ulm and POLiS Cluster of Excellence. More than 100 attendees will be expected and will have the opportunity to extend their networking promoting new research collaborations.

Event: Modval18 will be held in presence.
COVID19-Restrictions: The “2G” rule applies. We ensure to provide you with the maximum possible safety.
Registrations via event website
Date: March 14-16, 2022



Modval18 is the 18th event of an international symposium on Modeling and Experimental Validation on fuel cells and batteries. Initiated in 2004, the symposium aims to connect researchers in academia and industry as well as theorists and experimentalists. Taking place every year in March, the venue alternates between Germany and Switzerland and is always hosted by an academic institution. This time it is organized by the DLR Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, based in Stuttgart. The DLR models batteries as a partner of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU).

Focus of the symposium is to present and discuss the latest research, the advances made in modeling, as well as in experimental work for model validation for fuel cells, batteries and electrolysis.

The conference focuses on Modeling and Validation of Electrochemical Energy Devices. Contributing authors are encouraged to pay special attention to the validation of their modeling approaches. Innovative models of batteries and fuel cells are highly welcome.

The symposium will at least cover the following topics:

Modeling and Simulation


Call for Abstracts (submission ends December 31, 2021)

We thank you for being interested in giving a presentation / poster presentation at the Modval18. Looking forward to read your abstract we are delighted that you have chosen to participate actively in this conference. As in previous years, the Modval18 will feature invited talks, contributing talks, and poster presentations.

Further Information:


November 24, 2021

Hybrid Workshop at Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) – “EU Clean Energy Transition: Perspectives and Challenges for Energy Storage”

Event: Hybrid Event, face-to-face, personally at HIU/Ulm and online
Link to Register: Registration for the Event
Date: 24.11.2021, 02:00 – 06:00 P.M. o’clock

Workshop Programme: Download Agenda

Europe is facing the major challenge of implementing the energy transition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, as adopted by the European Green Deal in December 2019. The future energy grid has to be flexible enough to accommodate higher shares of variable renewable generation such as solar and wind power in a secure way. Hence, the development and integration of affordable as well as sustainable energy storage capacity gets crucial for the clean energy transition.

Workshop: EU Clean Energy Transition – Perspectives and Challenges for Energy Storage

A major challenge of ongoing research and industrial efforts is to connect technical research with environmental, economic and societal aspects. In this respect, user behaviour, acceptance of implemented technical solutions as well as an evaluation of different possible business cases for valorising offered current flexibility in electricity consumption are needed. Also, energy storage available at competitive market prices remains a missing piece in the large scale roll out of renewable energies worldwide. Finally, fostering transnational cooperation, supporting knowledge transfer and industry uptake is also a challenge that should be pursued.

Core issues of the workshop

What are the socio-economic energy storage expectations by 2030/2050 and what opportunities and challenges, including on access and affordability, does it imply for consumers? What are the industry plans for the future energy system with a focus on storage (mid and long-term)? How can research contribute to make storage resources more affordable? What R&I priorities, gaps and models of industry-research collaboration that can be shared and replicated in other EU countries and contexts in the batteries sector? How can StoRIES services enhance the innovation uptake? These are some of the questions the workshop will address.

This workshop, jointly organised by StoRIES, Joint Programme for Energy Storage (EERA) and SUPEERA project, is a timely opportunity for bringing together researchers, industry, end-users, policymakers and other stakeholders. The goal is to exchange views on key issues for the storage sector and discuss possible future scenarios of the energy system. All participants will be invited to continue the interesting discussions and to network with other participants by attending the dinner that will take place right after the workshop.

Further Links: 




November  3rd, 2021

On November 3rd, 2021, the recently re-elected member of the Bundestag Ronja Kemmer (CDU) was a guest at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm. For the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Kemmer used to be both, a full member of the committee for “Education, Research and Technology Assessment” and a deputy member of the committee for “Economy and Energy”.

The energy transition and energy storage are becoming more and more central to politics. The discussion about sustainable energy generation and efficient security of supply often leads to the question: Where will innovative energy storage devices be used in the future and what will they have to do? On November 3rd, some HIU scientists discussed what such a future could look like with the member of the Bundestag from Ulm. After a few occasions, Kemmer came to the HIU for another informal exchange about current progress in battery research.

The exchange was scientifically accompanied by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner (Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm), who provided an overview of current research results and activities of HIU, the Cluster of Excellence POLiS and the CELEST research platform. Also invited were Prof. Dr. Helge Stein (HIU/KIT), PD Dr. Birger Horstmann (HIU/DLR), Dr. Wohlfahrt-Mehrens (HIU/ZSW) and Prof. Dr. Axel Groß (HIU / Ulm University).

November 1st, 2020

StoRIES (Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System), a €7 million worth H2020 project, coordinated by Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), kicked-off 1st November 2021. StoRIES will address the “European Green Deal” objective to ensure that the EU achieves climate neutrality by 2050 focusing on the energy sector, which is to be transformed with a consistent shift towards electricity generation based on renewable energies. In particular, StoRIES will work on the development of innovative energy storage methods and on defining the current and future needs of the energy systems regarding the energy storage.

The StoRIES consortium includes a total of 17 partners, which are technology institutes, universities and industry representatives, and 31 associated participants from 17 countries. All involved entities have an extensive background in energy storage technologies (electrochemical, chemical, thermal, mechanical and superconducting magnetic storage). Two of them, the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the European Association for Energy Storage (EASE), are the largest research and industry associations dealing with energy storage in Europe and they will form the core of the new ecosystem.

Welcome! “Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System” (StoRies) – ??‍???????⚡️? With Europe’s “Green Deal”, a new European research consortium for Energy Storage starts at HIU/KIT. https://t.co/zGGboRWZk8

— Helmholtz Institute Ulm ?? (@HelmholtzUlm) September 16, 2021

The main task of StoRIES is to bring together scientific institutions, such as technology institutes and universities, with industrial partners in order to jointly develop storage solutions for new technology and energy markets. According to the project coordinator, Stefano Passerini, the focus is on transdisciplinary cooperation: “The pooling of know-how within science and industry opens up synergies that are often underestimated. At the same time, we would like to make energy storage research more holistic and add socio-technical and ecological aspects. With the European Green Deal until 2050, politics gives us an immense homework that we can only manage together.”

StoRIES will offer training for industry and research institutions as well as courses for young scientists developing the innovative hybrid solutions of the future. The purely technical training around energy storage systems is to be complemented by the ecological, legal, economic and social aspects surrounding energy storage systems. StoRIES intends to break down the barriers between research fields that today often operate in a very closed manner in order to enable mutual understanding and cooperation. The ecosystem of experts from different energy, social , and economic research, industry and consumer representatives is intended to outlast StoRIES and enable an effective and sustainable exchange on the topic of energy storage.

The most important technological goal of StoRIES is the development of future energy storage systems of all kinds. Through shared access to 64 world-class research infrastructures and services gathered in StoRIES, the aim is to drive research and innovation. Energy storage is essential for the energy transition; but no single storage technology available today that can meet this challenge on its own. Rather, a combination of different energy storage technologies is required to deliver the expected performance in terms of capacity, flexibility and sustainability. The StoRIES consortium brings together all the main areas of energy storage research that will focus on the hybrid solutions idea.

To optimise hybrid energy storage solutions, StoRIES will focus on improving material properties for current and future applications. A system of modern supercomputers, automation technologies and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) will enable targeted material development for innovative energy storage devices. Such joint platforms will make the energy storage research more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective, but the goal is also to shorten the development times for new technologies by a factor of 10, to bring new innovations to market faster, so that renewable energy technologies also become competitive more quickly.

In StoRIES, new materials, devices and technologies will be analysed with respect to the socio-technical and ecological aspects. StoRIES will promote a fair transition to carbon neutrality by supporting the product development process, especially in the early stages of design, and aiming to optimise the use of raw materials and increase recyclability. This will help to reduce environmental impacts and maximise social benefits. Issues of public approval, regulatory frameworks and economics for the application of the new solutions will be analysed, the ways to unlock the potential of energy storage will be explored and the bottlenecks that prevent this will be identified.


Further Information



October 01, 2021

Since October 1, 2021, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner once again takes the role of Executive Director at Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU). The Board of Directors of the institute is again changing its head after his predecessor Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini has held the office since October 2018. According to the statutes, a rotation is planned every three years. Prof. Fichtner begins his second term of office as executive director. In 2015 he replaced founding director Prof. Horst Hahn in this position.

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner is our new 2021 (and former 2015) Executive Director of HIU. ?? Follow the link for his view on our institute’s future. #battery #science @KITKarlsruhe @CELEST_18 @2030Battery @ClusterPolis https://t.co/nlpClPq3DN

— Helmholtz Institute Ulm ?? (@HelmholtzUlm) October 11, 2021

Prof. Fichtner, everyone is currently talking about electromobility and battery research. Which research topics relating to electromobility will be the focus of the next three years at the HIU?

Prof. Dr. Fichtner: “The main focus of the HIU is certainly on the topics – “Further” (more storage capacity”),”Faster” (faster loading) and “More sustainable” (without the use of critical raw materials). With regard to the latter point in particular, we are now one of the leading institutions in Europe. Winning the POLiS Cluster of Excellence gave us exceptional opportunities to research batteries that do not use lithium or heavy metals.”

What challenges are you currently facing at the HIU? As at every research institution, there are certainly very own visions, but also problems.

Prof. Dr. Fichtner: “We have to master the challenge that the HIU faces constantly rising costs with the same basic funding. Furthermore, we are slowly getting space problems in the HIU building and – despite very successful third-party funding so far – we cannot continue to grow at the moment.

In general, opportunities arise from the fact that we have developed into one of the most important research institutes in Europe over the past 10 years. This makes it easier to participate in important research projects. Our expertise is unique and we address the most important and pressing questions in our research fields.”

Since October 1st, 2021 you have been “Executive Director” at the HIU again – for the second time. Where do you see your personal role?

Prof. Dr. Fichtner: “My first time as executive director was marked by the strengthening of the Ulm-Karlsruhe association. To this end, we founded CELEST, acquired the POLiS Cluster of Excellence and, as an association, have now reached a central position in the major European initiative BATTERY 2030+.

We have also made efforts to strengthen the HIU by attracting excellent young research groups and to make it better known overall. This was only feasible through the joint effort of all colleagues and was very successful in the end.

It remains to be seen what the new director’s time will bring. We have to keep the HIU stable and lead it into a successful and exciting future with a sustainable program. There are still exciting topics ahead of us.”

What did you particularly appreciate about your predecessor Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini?

Prof. Dr. Fichtner: “Prof. Passerini is an excellent colleague and scientist of high international stature. He can regularly be found in the list of the most cited scientists in our field. His word carries weight in the community; and this is how he succeeded in taking on an important coordinating role within the framework of the European Energy Alliance (EERA). This contributes a lot to the visibility of our institute.”

A word to the young scientists. One important focus at the HIU is increasingly focusing on the next generation: Which researchers are you looking for at the HIU in the future?

Prof. Dr. Fichtner: “I think it’s scientists who want to make a difference. Scientists who know that they can benefit from the excellent scientific environment and who want to have their time at the HIU clearly on the credit side of their resume. Some come to fill a clearly defined task in a joint project with life, some come with their own ideas. After testing, we give you the opportunity to realize this with us. In this way, we have already started several junior research groups and we are pleased about the high visibility that these groups have already achieved.”

Thank you for the interview, Prof. Fichtner.

In the seminar at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), outstanding international battery researchers share their scientific findings and technological inventions with Ulm scientists and students. The seminar takes place every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. during the lecture period.

Prof. Dr. Ehrenfried Zschech
deepXscan GmbH, Dresden, Germany

Prof. Dr. Patrik Johansson
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Sweden & Alistore-ERI, FR CNRS 3104, Amiens, France

Prof. Dr. Elie Paillard
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

Dr. Simon Fleischmann
Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)

Dr. Tobias Placke
MEET Battery Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Münster, Germany

T.T.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helge S. Stein
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janek
Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Prof. Dr. Ivana Hasa
WMG, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Thierry Brousse
Université de Nantes, CNRS, Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel, IMN & RS2E, CNRS 3459, Amiens, France

Dr. Maria Assunta Navarra
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Prof. Dr. Francesca Soavi
Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy. Bettery srl, Massafra (TA), Italy

Dr. Michael Mercer
Chemistry Department, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Brett L. Lucht
Department of Chemistry, The University of Rhode Island, USA

28. September 2021

Within the ALANO Project, Industry and Science Develop Innovative Concepts for Accumulators with a Lithium-metal Anode

Solid-state batteries may push electric mobility. Within the new application-oriented ALANO project coordinated by BMW AG, partners from industry and science study lithium batteries of the next generation: A lithium metal anode and a solid electrolyte ensure high safety and enhance energy density on cell level, thus increasing the range of electric cars. The Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) is significantly involved in the project funded by the Federal Ministry of Research.

Forschung für sichere #Feststoffbatterien: Im Projekt ALANO entwickeln Industrie und Wissenschaft innovative Konzepte für Akkus mit Lithiummetall-Anode – Forschende des KIT untersuchen elektrochemische Aspekte. https://t.co/DwcyPuSBY8 pic.twitter.com/irnw40Kqih

— KIT Karlsruhe (@KITKarlsruhe) September 27, 2021

Light and powerful, inexpensive and safe – accumulators for electric cars have to meet several criteria. For some time now, battery researchers and automotive manufacturers have therefore focused on solid-state batteries. In such batteries, both electrodes and the electrolyte are made of solid materials. The solid electrolyte in particular promises to enhance safety: It is hardly inflammable and cannot leak. The new collaboration project ALANO (stands for: Alternative Anode Concepts for Safe Solid-state Batteries) deals with lithium batteries of the next generation and focuses on the lithium metal anode as the central component. ALANO is aimed at enhancing energy density of a solid-state battery at high safety.

Higher Energy Density – Longer Range

“Use of lithium metal as anode material may considerably enhance energy density on cell level and, thus, increase the range of electric cars,” says Professor Stefano Passerini, Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), one of the partners of ALANO, and Head of the Electrochemistry for Batteries Group. Within the ALANO project, partners from research and industry evaluate various innovative lithium metal-based anode concepts for solid-state batteries in order to optimize reactivity, safety, and performance of the anode and to integrate the latter in a robust cell unit of high energy density. Combination with a solid electrolyte is of decisive importance. Contrary to conventional liquid electrolytes that strongly react with lithium metal, solid electrolytes are less reactive and, hence, enable formation of kinetically stable interfaces. This promises to result in several advantages: “First, safety will be improved considerably, as the cells will not contain any liquid and easily inflammable substances,” says Dr. Dominic Bresser, Head of the Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials Group of HIU. “Second, robustness of the cells is increased, which facilitates handling, cooling, and system integration.” In this way, costs on the cell, module, and system levels will be reduced. At the same time, durability of the cells is increased, thus improving its sustainability.

Research and Development along the Chain of Values Added

The ALANO project covers the entire chain of values added of solid-state batteries with a lithium metal anode: From the selection of materials to the manufacture of components, to producing cells, to battery scaling for use in vehicles and other applications, to recycling. Hence, circular economy aspects will also be taken into account. Partners from industry and research collaborate across branches and disciplines in the ALANO project.

The consortium is coordinated by BMW AG. Among the other industry partners are Applied Materials GmbH, ARLANXEO GmbH, DAIKIN Chemical Europe GmbH, RENA Technologies GmbH, and VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Research partners include HIU, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET) at the University of Münster, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), and Gießen University. BASF SE is an associated project partner. ALANO will start in September 2021 and is scheduled for a duration of three years. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will fund ALANO under the “Battery 2020 Transfer” program (battery materials for future electromobile, stationary, and other industrially relevant uses).

Further information


September 18th, 2021

To get to the official subpage of the “Open Battery Day 2021” at HIU, please follow this link (Link).