1st Inter­national Sym­posi­um on Mag­nesi­um Bat­teries


Tagungszentrum Blaubeuren in Ulm/Blautal, Germany

Magnesium batteries have attracted considerable attention by international research activities, because magnesium offers a number of attractive features for future batteries. The metal anode has nearly double the volumetric capacity of lithium metal, at a negative reduction potential of -2.37 Vs SHE. Moreover, a significant advantage of magnesium is the lack of dendrite formation during charging, which overcomes major safety challenges encountered with using lithium metal anodes. Several breakthroughs were achieved and important progress has been made in the last years, in particular in the development of electrolytes with mild chemistry and high efficiency and in the development of first conversion and intercalation-type cathodes. First fundamental studies have elucidated mechanisms of Mg intercalation or chemical interaction of the electrolyte with the electrodes.

The 1st International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries addresses the research community in this rapidly growing field. It is the aim of the symposium to present and discuss the recent state-of the art and the progress in the field. There will be enough time for discussion of questions or controversial issues in the topic.


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