Heraeus Seminar: The Next Genera­tion Poly­mer Electro­lyte Mem­brane Fuel Cell


Bad Honnef, Germany


Organizing Committee

Dr. Roswitha Zeis
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Helmholtz Institute Ulm
Ulm, Germany

Prof. Dr. Aimy Bazylak
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto and Institute for Sustainable Energy
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Dr. Ludwig Jörissen
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg
Ulm, Germany


The Next Generation Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Heraeus Seminar will be a 4-day meeting for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell experts to participate in engaging discussions about the state of the art of the technology and to strategize the next steps to overcoming the key barriers to widespread commercialization.

We have assembled a group of internationally recognized experts in PEM fuel cells to deliver invited seminars on their state-of-the-art research, and in particular, they will lead discussions to uncover the key challenges and areas of opportunities that are on the horizon. We are taking a true multiscale approach to this meeting, as our speakers will cover topics from the stack level right down to the nanoscale transport in the catalyst layer and membrane.

Our key objective for this candid meeting-of-the-minds is to forge new international, multidisciplinary partnerships in order to collaboratively tackle the most challenging issues facing fuel cell technologies today. By forging these new partnerships, we have the opportunity to accelerate our collective progress in advancing fuel cell technologies and achieving international energy sustainability.

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