Fünf Fra­gen an Dr. Syed Atif Per­vez


Dr. Syed Atif Pervez, Gastwissenschaftler aus Pakistan, arbeitet seit kurzem am HIU in der Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Maximilian Fichtner. Die Forschung des Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiaten ist im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energiespeicherung angesiedelt.

Während seine Doktorandenzeit arbeitete er an der Korea University of Science and Technology zu folgendem Thema: Nanostrukturierte Materialien für Energiespeicheranwendungen. Vor seinem Eintritt beim HIU wiederum war Syed Atif Pervez als PostDoc an der University of Calgary in Kanada beschäftigt.

Why did you apply for Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Research Fellowship?

Winning AvH fellowship is undoubtedly the greatest achievement in my professional career, something I am really proud of. AvH fellowship offers an excellent platform to scientists and scholars from abroad and Germany to work on research projects of mutual interest. This is also an excellent opportunity to build professional relationships with over 28,000 Humboldtians alumni in more than 130 countries — including 54 Nobel laureates.

And why did you choose the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)?
HIU is a research institute specifically working on Electrochemical Energy Storage, which is my area of work. So for me it was a natural decision to join the institute. In HIU, I expect to get opportunities for unparalleled training through extensive collaborations, access to world-class research facilities, and chances to work with commercial corporations.

What have you been researching so far and what are your research interests here at HIU?
Most of my research experience has been in the field secondary batteries. With growing energy demands for futuristic applications such as electric vehicles and smart grid energy storage, better and safer battery technologies must be developed.

My work in HIU is focused on developing all-solid-sate Li-ion batteries where the conventional organic liquid electrolyte is replaced with solid-state electrolyte. The practical application of conventional Li-ion battery is retarded by safety concerns due to irregular lithium deposition and growth of lithium dendrites, as well as the properties of volatility, flammability and easy leakage of the conventional organic liquid electrolytes. All-solid-state batteries that use solid-state electrolytes offer improved safety features such as avoiding flammability and liquid leaks.

What is the scope of your research work in your home country?
Due to enormous increase in energy demand, Pakistan in recent years has been severely affected by energy crisis and power shortages which has created a great deal of awareness on relying on renewable energy sources. Pakistan is enriched with various renewable energy sources such as hydel, solar, wind, bio gass etc. There is an estimated 100000 MW of hydro and wind energy potential. Similarly, the average solar radiation of 5.5 KW/m2 and 300 clear days makes the country with one of the highest insulations in the world. Furthermore, the solid wastes can generate up to 21.35 million M3 of bio-gas. All these figures indicate an enormous scope of work in the field of renewable energy.

Is the topic of your research relevant to the future development of your country?
For efficient energy harvesting, a stable and reliable storage system is of utmost importance. The work in my research outline aims at realizing a stable and highly efficient energy storage setup using innovative solid state batteries. Considering the current energy crisis in the country, the work forms close relevance to the future development of my country. Successful demonstration of an efficient and cost-effective storage setup will garner strong interest from government authorities, researchers and industries alike. This will draw attention from funding agencies and there will undoubtedly be great interest in grants supporting the further expansion of the research.

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